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According to the MBTI (Myers-Briggs) personality system, Joel is a feeler male and Antonia is a thinker female. In this podcast they talk about what it’s like to be a personality type that goes against the grain of popular culture.

In this podcast you’ll find:

  • This podcast episode will talk about Male – Female dynamics and personality types, focusing Feeler Males and Thinker Females.
  • Even if a man and woman are the same personality, regardless of the typology system used, there will be differences.
  • Thinker VS Feeler
  • Thinker – is someone who basically makes decision based in metrics and criteria takin into account. Does it make sense analytically? Will it work?
  • Feeler – makes decisions based on how it will impact other people. How are people going to be impacted? How is it going to impact the family?
  • All thinkers feel and all feelers think.
  • It is assumed that women will be feelers and men thinkers
  • 75% of females are feelers. They have a higher emotional intelligence.
  • There are people that don’t necessarily fit on the cultural definition of masculinity and femininity. Separate yourself from your personality type from femininity and masculinity. Being able to do this means that you can fully embrace your authentic nature.
  • Your femininity is not defined by making decisions.
  • In today’s generation, we’re starting to see couples go together to the next stage of their lives.
  • Men have a lot of support of how masculinity is defined, as someone who’s taking care of his children and many more.

Exercise we recommend in this podcast:

  • Are you a feeler male or a thinker female? What has been your experience as non-stereotype? Where have you not fit into whatever cultural type you live in and what has been your experience? What are the tools you’re using to accept your authentic self? We want to hear from you. Leave your comments below.

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  • Aly
    • Aly
    • November 25, 2015 at 8:11 pm

    INTJ female here. I have to say that a lot of the stereotypes I came across when I was younger had to do with how a women is supposed to flirt or how she is supposed to express sympathy and nurturing attitudes toward those who are struggling. Women found me cold because I didn’t see the point of small talk or voicing yet another sound of sympathy for a girl who just got dumped by a guy I thought was terrible for her anyway; men thought I wasn’t interested or intimidating because I didn’t automatically second their thoughts on an idea. When I got older a lot of men I worked with did treat me with respect but it was almost as if they saw me as one of the guys. (A lot of the women still found me cold, but grudgingly admitted I was fair) I was accused of fearing relationships because I didn’t bother to go on second dates with guys I knew I couldn’t connect with long term.

    My husband turned out to be a feeler man who could see my feminity even as we discussed microbiology or international policy (just as I could see his masculitity as a few tears leaked out during a touching movie scene, even though secretly I thought the scene was cheesy).

  • intp female
    • intp female
    • October 4, 2015 at 3:14 pm

    it’s nice to hear this podcast, combining a bunch of ideas i’ve had myself about gender and social expectations, along with personality typing. i’ve been told numerous times i have ‘femininity issues’ (because i do not wear makeup/high heels/etc etc …) and in certain ways act exactly ‘like a man’ (reasons too many to list, physical appearance aside). Sure, i also come across as cold and unexpressive (typical intp?) which i’m totally ok with, but suppose that can be hard for some people to process. That said, most react with ’you’re weird, ok, whatever’ and life goes on…anyway… thanks for the thought-provoking discussion!

  • Abongile
    • Abongile
    • March 22, 2015 at 1:49 pm

    Hi, I am a male INFP. My struggle has been that I see a need for me to be the typical male, and being ‘unable’ to become that has frustrated me so much. I want to be effective and impersonal. I value these traits. Am I wanting something impossible? How can I become a better leader and family man with my personality type?

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