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In this episode Joel and Antonia explain the difference between Introverted Intuition and Extraverted Intuition.

In this podcast you’ll find:

  • Intuition is an effectively advanced pattern recognition. It is a learning style basically speculating the train of thought following what’s behind the curtain.
  • Intuitives are not the majority so the world is not designed for them.
  • People who have sensory learning styles aren’t comfortable speculating. They want more information to be safe and secure.
  • We don’t have enough explanation why some people see the world profoundly
  • Everyone uses intuition to some degree.
  • Intuition isn’t judgmental. Its nature is really just trying to understand what’s happening behind the curtain.
  • Inside us, our intuition is working in conjunction with our mind’s ability to evaluate the information it takes in. All by itself, intuition is totally non-judgemental. It’s simply a process of learning.
  • 2 types of intuition: Introverted vs Extraverted Intuition
  • Introverted Intuitive Style = Perspective. Perspectives have the ability to watch their own minds form a pattern. When they hear people talk or do something, their mind will shift into the other person’s perspective and get a sense of what’s going on.
  • Perspective users oftentimes don’t reveal this kind of genius. They almost have the ability to predict future events.
  • In perspectives, you are able to see how large groups of people are going to react.
  • The process of learning takes some time to develop. Perspectives are very easy to be distracted. It’s almost like a fragile process sometimes. If there’s a lot of sensory input, it’s hard to stay focused because it’s a fragile process.
  • When working on problem, they wouldn’t know how they arrived at the solution. If they get distracted, they might never be able to pick up the trail again.
  • Out of the 25%, only 10% are using perspectives.
  • Perspective people tend to have a lot of one sided relationships and so they have very unique needs.
  • Because they don’t have that many people who understand how it works, it’s difficult for them to rise up to become better version of themselves.
  • Profiler Training monthly Q&A call.
  • Extraverted Intuition = Exploration. Unlike perspectives who are slow paced, exploration on the other hand, is more about exploring the world and understanding patterns on the outside world. They tend to be very interactive and engaging.
  • They’re able to understand the connections and relationships to things that other people don’t. It’s about new connections.
  • Intuition is interested in speed of information and depth of insight. Both types of intuition do this but Exploration is more inclined to speed of information and Perspectives likes the depth of insights.
  • The world needs both styles of intuition. Without this, we would actually stagnate.
  • The more you give yourself permission and make your intuition more powerful and strong, you could be truly unstoppable in making great things.

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  • sara
    • sara
    • March 4, 2015 at 8:16 pm

    would you type house please? ENTP or INTP?
    It would be really cool if you typed all the characters in a podcast. great show.
    really useful information by the way.

  • Josephine McMullen
    • Josephine McMullen
    • February 16, 2015 at 5:10 pm

    I’ve come to the conclusion that ENFPs (like me) and ENTPs are often diagnosed with ADD or ADHD because of our propensity to be easily distracted by whatever shiny new thing we see on the horizon, which is due to our dominant use of our dominant Extraverted Intuition (Exploration Preference).

    I was diagnosed with ADD about 15 years ago and put on Adderall. I don’t know if I have ADD or not, but I can tell you that since I’ve been on it, I have been able to more appropriately use my Extraverted Intuition. Adderall hasn’t changed that I use Exploration as my primary function. But it has allowed me to minimize my distractability when I am in a situation when my tendency to get distracted is not helpful.

    I hadn’t thought about it before, but I bet that INFJs and INTJs might also seem “easily distracted” to Sensor parents and teachers. Though I assume an INxJ’s ability to hop around with his/her thoughts isn’t as readily noticeable as it is with ENFPs and ENTPs who can be prone to diarrhea of the mouth and thus their “randomness” has a certain smack-you-in-the-face-obvious quality.

  • Josephine McMullen
    • Josephine McMullen
    • February 16, 2015 at 4:42 pm

    Your podcasts are awesome! I wished I had run into your website years ago. It could have saved me a lot of grief.

    I’ve known I’m an ENFP for at least 25 years. But it wasn’t until I broke up with an Extraverted Sensor dominant man a couple of years ago that I finally came to understand what being an Intuitive meant.

    When my ESFP broke up with me, I asked him why. He said, “Because I want to be with a person who isn’t always asking ‘what if?’” I pressed him to elaborate and he went on to say, “When we walk around your neighborhood and see a pretty house, I say, ’That’s a pretty house.’ But you have to make things so complicated. You talk about Victorian architecture and urban planning trends and stuff like that. Why not just say ‘that house is pretty’ and move on?” I could not fathom why he found my propensity to hop around in a conversation so irritating.

    I took me a while to process what he said, but I immediately knew that he didn’t like a core part of who I was. At first I thought there was something wrong with him because he didn’t think like me. Then I worried there was something wrong with me because I didn’t think like him.

    Then about 8 months after the break up, I was talking to an Introverted Intuition dominant man (INFJ). The way we communicated was so natural and easy that it was sort of spooky. I began thinking about MBTI and wondering if it might help explain why I communicated so easily with some people (Intuitives) and basically felt like I had nothing in common with so many others (Sensors). I still remember sitting on my bed sobbing with relief and joy as I read a really well-written analysis of the profound differences between Sensors and Intuitives. It was the first time I realized I wasn’t alone. I wasn’t a freak of nature. And that there was a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why, all my life, I had felt so different from 75% of the population. And it was the first time, I finally forgave my ESFP ex. He was right. It would have been very hard for us to stay together because we spoke in an almost completely different language.

    Thanks for helping me and other Intuitives understand the gift and the burdens of our preference for Intuition. Rock on!

  • Joel Mark Witt
    • Joel Mark Witt
    • January 12, 2015 at 9:33 pm


    Two sisters – one ENTP and you as an INFJ. That must have been very unique to grow up that way. Our suspicion is that sensor parents do often “diagnose” Intuitive children as being broken, sick or hyperactive.

    Thanks Adrianna for being a part of the Personality Hacker community and for sharing your story.

  • Adrianna
    • Adrianna
    • January 12, 2015 at 6:55 pm

    I am an INFJ, and my twin sister in an ENTP. I know for a fact our mom is an ISFJ and we think our dad is an ESTP. We drive our parents crazy. I remember growing up when we went to a social event I was always told to be polite and to reply if I was asked a question (I was seen as very antisocial and I was usually slow to reply because I was trying to come up with an answer). My sister was always told to be polite and behave (she has always told other people exactly what she thinks, regardless of age or status). Because of this, I was diagnosed with ADD and my sister was diagnosed with ADHD when we were six years old and we were put on medicine to “fix” us.
    After doing my own research into ADD/ADHD and Myers-Briggs, I wonder if intuitives that are surrounded by sensors are commonly diagnosed with this “disability”.

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