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In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about the introvert advantage in a world that is becoming more and more extraverted.

In this podcast on the introvert advantage you’ll find:

  • Introversion gets a lot of misunderstanding. People in general have a lot of confusion about introversion and extraversion.
  • Do introverts have a disadvantage in this world? Do they have issues that are very unique to them?
  • There are a lot of great performers that are introverts who can perform and speak very well.
  • In business, life and social circles, people are expected to be extroverts. Public speaking, for example, is a challenge for some people.
  • Introverts need time to be alone in order to recover their energy while extraverts get their energy by being in the environment and interacting with people.
  • Energy is being managed differently by introverts and extraverts.
  • Introverts – Inner world is the real world. When the outer world isn’t mirroring their inner world experience, they reconcile both worlds which takes too much energy.
  • Extraverts – Outer world is the real world. Spending too much time alone drains their energy. In order to understand what’s really going on, they have to go outside of themselves.
  • The outer world doesn’t specifically have to be people.
  • When you understand people at a profound level, you can see and understand where they are coming from.
  • Introverts have a great advantage to grow than extraverts.
  • If you are an introvert, developing your extraverted process is the path to growth.
  • Extraverts may find it more comfortable to live in an over communicated world, but it’s not helping them to develop their introverted process.
  • Introverts need time to think and consider what they have to say.
  • Every single personality type has a breakdown of 8 mental processes. 2 of these processes are the preferred way of navigating the world which balances human beings.
  • Not all kinds extraversion is equal for all personality types. It helps if you know your personality type and the style of extraversion that is the growth path for your personality type.
  • One of the best thing you can do to begin your personal growth journey is to know your personality. Knowing what kind of extraversion you’re going to grow as introvert is powerful.

In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about the introvert advantage in a world that is becoming more and more extraverted. #podcast #introvert #extravert

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  • Teresa
    • Teresa
    • January 12, 2015 at 6:24 pm

    A nice way of putting it, that society’s bias towards extraversion gives introverts opportunity to grow.

    However, I believe one of the real hazards for introverts of our over-communicated world, is failure to ever understand our dominant or “driver” function, because it doesn’t seem like anything anybody would ever want. (Perhaps that is extra true for us Ni dominants, who tend to get the message during childhood that Te or Fe, and even Ti is so much more useful than Ni). As a result, we spend a lot of time trying to get better at something we’re not especially talented at, while ignoring the development of our dominant function and failing to seek out a position where we can put forward our greatest talents into the world.

    For myself, I truly agree with your conclusions and I find I am at a great advantage as an introvert to really contribute, as well as to enjoy personal growth and happiness. But this has only happened after long long years of detours before I understood where my real strengths lay. So I would say, especially for introverts: by all means develop your co-pilot but first and foremost we must identify and develop our driver (probably completely unnecessary advice for most extraverts).

    Anyway, thanks for a great site with lots of insights!

  • Jenn
    • Jenn
    • December 8, 2014 at 8:20 pm


    I just want say I’m in love with your podcasts. Personality Psychology has come one of my obsessions lately. I’m an INFJ. I’ve read a couple book from Dan Johnston. I think they’re wonderful. But I want to learn even more about all the 16 personalities. Also look more into being an INFJ. Is there any books you guys would recommend??

  • jdanzer
    • jdanzer
    • December 7, 2014 at 6:39 pm

    Joel made the comment that he has doubts about the existence of “ambiverts”.
    This is a casualty of Jung’s scheme. All of the functions in MBTI actually fit the bell-curve. The same can be said about the dimension of introversion/extraversion.

    It has been claimed that 50% of the people are introverted and 50% of the people are extroverted. If that is the case a significant number of people are in the mid-range where they may be either depending on their environment.
    This is an emergent factor that takes on significance when considering how adaptable people are.

    For example; there are studies that show ambiverted people are better at sales than those who are clearly extraverted. It seems that there are some subtleties that fall through the cracks of a typology system that stresses dichotomous scoring such as mbti.

    This is why a good coach/counselor should be familiar with as many systems of classification as possible – and not always the most popular systems. MBTI is perhaps a good doorway because of it’s popular acceptance but personality testing is a rich field with many useful orientations.

  • Trevor
    • Trevor
    • December 4, 2014 at 8:07 pm

    Hi Antonia,

    Thanks for the response :)

    I wasn’t looking to be ‘typed’ lol just wanting more information to evaluate :)

    As far as the 10 year old processes go, I do both of your examples. However, I may not always know what I want, but I usually know what I don’t want. But I still end up saying yes to those people :P. I’m constantly over committed. I probably am an INFP – my home life has just been stressful for a while, so I feel drained at home and refreshed after I go out with friends. And I’ve been feeling the need to get out in the world, probably leading me to be and feel more extroverted.

    Anyway, thank you, I appreciate your help :)


  • Antonia Dodge
    • Antonia Dodge
    • December 3, 2014 at 8:05 pm

    Thanks for the question, Trevor. :)

    The phrase “the inner world is the real world” for an Introvert is necessarily abstract, because that’s going to look a little different for each introverted type. It depends upon your Driver process. If you’ve narrowed it down to Fi being your decision-making process, then the introverted experience is going to be about your inner emotional world being the ‘real world’. If you feel very strongly about something and the outer world isn’t resonating, you might feel some need to reevaluate, but ultimately how you feel is going to trump ‘outer world’ feedback.

    For an NFP, the extraverted process is Ne. We have a tendency to enjoy our learning process even when it’s not our Driver and, on top of that, the Feeling preference can enjoy more socializing just in general. So, an NFP can be naturally confused by their E/I preference. They don’t dislike hanging around people, and when they do they’re in a place that’s really enjoyable – Ne. That combo seems to make INFPs appear deceptively extraverted.

    When it’s really difficult to tell a person’s E/I preference, I usually look at the ‘backseat’ passengers – their tertiary and inferior processes, or what we call the 10 Year Old and 3 Year Old processes in the Car Model. Do you have a tendency to hole yourself up with books, artistic pursuits, etc. and ignore the world for long hours (sometimes days) at a time? That would be more a sign of Si tertiary (or, Memory 10 Year Old). Or do you have a tendency to say an enthusiastic “YES!” to every opportunity that comes by, over commit and spend long hours working hard for something you suddenly realize you don’t believe in, get extremely frustrated and take it out on walls/doors? That would be a sign of Te tertiary (or, Effectiveness 10 Year Old).

    I’m not sure how meaningful it is to have me ‘type’ you going on just a single post, but… my guess would be that you’re an INFP. With the combo of shyness and Enneagram 9 the stereotypes would all lead to INFP. (There are ENFPs that experience/feel shyness, but you’d never know – they have an amazing ability to mask an sense of inadequacy they may feel).

    Anyway, hope that helps.


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