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In this episode Joel and Antonia walk through the four decision making processes of all 16 Myers Briggs personalities and demonstrate how they can show up developed and undeveloped.

In this podcast on developed vs undeveloped decisions you’ll find:


  • What is the difference between developed and undeveloped decision making?
  • In the Myers Briggs system, there are mental process or cognitive functions. Among these mental processes, there are 8 in total. 4 of them help us understand information and the other 4 help us make decisions.
  • All of our “should” statements are wrapped-up in the parts our brain that evaluates and make decisions in life.
  • This is also the parts of our minds that take action to accomplish the should statements.
  • There’s a limitation as to how many should statements we make. There are 4 different ways our brains make decisions. Depending on your Myers Briggs type, you favor one of these 4 as your primary evaluative mechanism.
  • We will take a look at what these mental processes will look like at their best and when they’re not at their best.
  • Quick review of the 4 decision-making processes.
  • Extraverted Feeling (Harmony) – ENFJ, INFJ, ESFJ, ISFJ
    • Harmony is all about getting needs (other people’s needs met). They’re interested in making sure the people’s needs are met, happy and getting along each other.
    • Focused on relationships. Relationships are important and so obvious to harmony people. They walk into the room and know the culture of the room right away.
    • When harmony is working at its best, it acknowledges everyone else’s conflicts. When a harmony person fears conflict, he/becomes ‘nice’ instead of being ‘kind.
    • Nice vs Kind. Being nice means not creating any conflict or issues that causes discomfort. However, in a world that’s full conflict, nice is not going to generate true and authentic harmony. It’s just a temporary fix that will soon fade out. When you’re being “kind”, you deeply understand what people authentically need. It’s calling out the negative feelings and addressing it properly in order to get to a true harmonious outcome.
    • Are you developing all qualities of kindness or are you just being nice?
  • Introverted Thinking (Accuracy) – ENTP, INTP, ESTP, ISTP
    • Accuracy is all about what makes sense and data. Is this logical and true? Does this make sense? This is the opposite of the harmony process. They focus on analysis and data.
    • Undeveloped Accuracy. Because accuracy is always looking for the beautiful and logically consistent argument, and because so many people don’t have developed processes like accuracy people does, Accuracy will favor a well-argued point or an elegant argument OVER the truth. When they engage in a debate, they have the tendency to agree or lean towards an argument that’s beautifully presented. In addition, accuracy people tend to reject other people’s arguments and believe in their own reasons. You’ll hear them say how dumb people are for not understanding things or they’d say “that’s stupid, why would anyone do that”.
    • Because there are so many premises that can’t be proven right or wrong, an accuracy person at the height of their development will frequently say “I don’t know” to a lot of stuff and they become very comfortable with saying it.
    • The more ungenerous you’re going with an idea, you’re probably in an undeveloped phase and the more generous you are, that’s where you’re headed to a healthy expression.
  • Introverted Feeling (Authenticity) – ENFP, INFP, ESFP, ISFP
    • What feels authentic and is alignment with the core values of who I am as a person, what I stand for, my convictions and identities.
    • Sometimes we like to feel emotions. It’s a feeler process and the emotion of righteous indignation.
    • Undeveloped Authenticity. Not having to hear or experience something that makes you feel uncomfortable is self-indulgent. Not having to take in any information that has you challenged how you feel something about the moment, is self-indulgent.
    • Mature Authenticity. Are willing to have their values challenged and questioned. They acknowledge that they might not be seeing something that put a stress on their values and make sure that they’re still in alignment with me.
  • Extraverted Thinking (Effectiveness) – ENTJ, INTJ, ESTJ, ISTJ
    • Effectiveness is about what works, what accomplishes the task or goal?
    • What works in the external world? It may not feel good but as long as it works, that’s all that matters.
    • Ultimately it’s all about what in the system works and is functional.
    • Mature Effectiveness. When it’s at its best, it’s really thinking in terms of sustainability. What is long-term sustainable. It’s understanding ecology and systems and the impact of your decisions.
    • Undeveloped Authenticity. If an effectiveness person is not willing to put the time and effort into building and managing truly sustainable models, they tend to short circuit into efficiency. With efficiency, sustainability is not taken into consideration or ignored.
    • Effectiveness VS Efficiency. When something is effective, it’s efficient long-term but it’s not efficient in the moment. Efficiency is almost always a very myopic short-term goal.
  • Anytime you’re going to grow, it’s going to be hard and you’re going to resist it because you’ve built patterns in your life to get a result that’s easy and doesn’t feel difficult.
  • This is the core of really making your life better and increasing your productivity
  • We believe that growth is something that’s worthy and important to focus on.
  • Ask yourself if you are implementing some of these less healthy expressions in your life and begin charting/observing it.
  • Ask yourself, “How can I make this better and mindful of these less developed manifestations?” “How can I practice my mental process in order to be at my best/optimal level?”

Follow this link to find a quick reference for healthy vs unhealthy ‘perceiving’ cognitive functions.

Developed vs. Undeveloped Decisions

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  • Joel Mark Witt
    • Joel Mark Witt
    • June 22, 2015 at 3:42 pm

    Thanks for the question Brittani. We actually answered your question on a PHQ episode here:

  • Joel Mark Witt
    • Joel Mark Witt
    • June 18, 2015 at 3:34 pm

    Hi Arabella.

    Thanks for the question. I sat down to write out a response several times and finally decided to grab Antonia and sit down and record a 30 minute PHQ episode to give more context.

    You can listen to it here:
    Introverted Feeling vs Introverted Thinking

    Love to hear what you think.

  • Antonia Dodge
    • Antonia Dodge
    • June 17, 2015 at 8:26 pm

    It can be a struggle to figure out your type if you’re highly identified with your tertiary process. And, yes – as women we have a lot of encouragement to go to a feeling process, even if it isn’t our strength. (I say this as an Fe tertiary ENTP woman, so I’m all sympathy on this subject.)

    A good litmus test is this – do you feel healthiest and most invigorated when you’re using a thinking process (in this case, getting things done as effectively as possible with human consideration fluctuating based on context) or when you’re using a feeling process (in this case, organizing things based on how humans interact with them and creating harmony from conflict)?

    Your sense of accomplishment and a feeling of “this is what I was meant to do” is a great indicator of your auxiliary process supporting your dominant.

    Hope that helps. :)


  • Antonia Dodge
    • Antonia Dodge
    • June 17, 2015 at 8:16 pm

    Until we make a podcast around the development of perceiving functions, I made a quick side-by-side post about what each looks like when healthy and unhealthy:


  • Arabella
    • Arabella
    • June 16, 2015 at 9:24 am

    Thanks, I look forward to seeing what Joel has to say!

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