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In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about the new Disney Pixar Inside Out Movie and the importance of making emotional choices before the time of decision.

Click here to listen to part 2 of the Inside Out Pixar Movie

The Official Disney Inside Out Trailer

In this podcast on Disney Pixar Inside Out Movie you’ll find:

    • The movie, Inside Out has simplified the subject of emotions.
    • All the emotions that’s happening in our minds are under our control. But how do we control it? On autopilot, how do we make choices? How in control are we over ourselves?
    • You’ll realize that our choices are already premade for us.
    • The movie helped get sympathy by letting people look at what’s going on inside the mind of another person.
    • Sometimes we identify our emotions apart from us. We are the holistic person but at the same time, the parts that are inside us can easily be hijacked.
    • Autopilot happens when you pre-program instructions.
    • What have we pre-program into autopilot?
    • Oftentimes we get distractions from what we plan to do – what we really ought to do. These distractions shift us back to autopilot.
    • Emotions can conflict each other.
    • Anger is the space/emotion that we usually prefer during arguments. Getting some space and staying away from the argument does help, but it’s almost always hard to do it unless if you pre-program or condition yourself to do it.
    • Thoughts are concentrated emotions. All the habits we do, the thoughts we have and the words we say are basically conglomerated stories in order for emotions to make sense.
    • Figure out ways to make decisions before they’re needed, to pre-see those emotions and so you can control these emotions and not the other way around.
    • If you want to take control of your emotions and be resilient, figure out ways on how you can deal with it in advance.
    • Both of our emotions and thoughts are controllable, but they’re not controllable in the moment. So if you need to control them, you need to precede systems.
    • Is a thinker or feeler more controlled by their emotions? Since feelers are taking emotions into account more often, they have the to be focusing and looking at them. Thinkers, on the other hand, when they are controlled by their emotions, it’s because it’s coming in from the shadows.
    • At Personality Hacker, we want you to hack your own mind, body and emotions.
    • Which one’s the easiest thing for you to hack in order to control the other two?
    • How can you hack your own system in order to make the best decisions possible? Ask yourself, where is your greatest form of intelligence? How are you able to become the best person you can be with all these hacks?

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  • Tracey
    • Tracey
    • June 23, 2015 at 2:20 am

    Excited you covered this topic! I saw the movie over the weekend and was fascinated by it. I too was interested in the aspect of who/what was actually in “control” of the emotions.

    I was mostly struck, though, by the overall “driver” metaphor used throughout the film, since I have been binge-listening to your podcast and bought the premium content for my type, and I’m getting used looking at situations through the lens of your car model. The timing of this movie just seemed a little too perfect. Looking forward to the “spoilers” version!

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