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In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about Joel’s recent brush with death and how to deal with anxiety by finding your inner strength.

In this podcast you’ll find:

  • There’s plenty of anxiety around for everyone these days. The source, however, is something we can’t easily alter.
  • During emergency situations, our bodies and systems can feel like such a surprise: we are not fully consciously aware of the stages we go through.
  • People who encountered near death experiences often become speakers and they end up strongly empowered with their lives. They may also experience ego death.
  • We were, for a very long time, acted as “prey”. Eventually we evolved to use tools and suddenly we became predators. However, we became prey for too long that we can’t remove it inside of us.
  • As humans, we’re so much more insecure and anxious of death. We generally have the sense of like it’s all going down at any minute. We almost resemble that more than knowing that we’re on top of the food chain that predators have and yet we’re predators.
  • We’re so much insecure about all these made-up narrative stories, problems and challenges that might not actually be realistic but it seems like we make them up all the time to justify our nervousness or anxiety.
  • But what if our anxiety and nervousness has nothing to do with our actual abilities or limitations? What if we do have everything inside of us – a complex amazing brain that will help us in all levels and saving our lives?
  • Proving ourselves that we can survive as humans can make us feel more secure. It helps us prepare for the future and have radical self-reliance.
  • Is our nervousness and anxiety reasonable?
  • It’s all about mitigating your anxiety and focusing on your ability to take charge of your life.
  • Ask yourself, “Do you feel confident out there?” For example, when starting a business, you might feel anxious thinking if it will work out or not.
  • It’s really a matter of getting to that point where you know that you’re gonna be okay no matter what.
  • What if there’s still anxiety that occurs? Just power through and know that the resources you need will come through. Trust that you have it in you to summon it up whenever you need it.
  • Anxiety is probably the biggest energy sap that humans experience.
  • Ask yourself, “Is there something I can do in order to mitigate my anxiety in general? Is there something I can do to lower my anxiety?
  • Acknowledge that anxiety does not serve you. Let the anxiety hang in there for a second and diminish it as much as you can.

Things we reference in this podcast:

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  • Andrea
    • Andrea
    • September 12, 2015 at 2:16 am

    Good stuff, as usual. I think there is great power in connecting with physical self reliance.

  • John Danzer
    • John Danzer
    • September 4, 2015 at 11:57 pm

    This is the kind of event that at least makes a good story because all’s well that ends well.

  • Joel Mark Witt
    • Joel Mark Witt
    • September 4, 2015 at 6:54 pm

    Agreed. We all spin narratives that confirm our bias and what we want to already believe. Just like your comment above. I like that we are on the same page and agree on this.

    For me it’s about constructing my narratives to increase my happiness. And that’s my personal choice. I don’t think I came away with an “invincibility” narrative as much as a narrative that allows me to rest into self-trust.

    I can certainly be killed/die at any moment. While I’m still alive on this planet I can begin to trust my instincts and gut more (Something I haven’t done as much in the past).

    That’s the narrative I’m choosing to spin from this event.

    Subjective and personal I know. But it’s mine and I feel like it serves me very well leading me to more happiness/confidence in my life.

    I also fully intend to take my boys to the exact same spot in the near future to talk through the choices that led us to the emergent of me falling in. It’s a great way to go through our decisions together and I believe will be a great learning experience for all of us. (Of course I will have much higher awareness and also wear shoes this time) :-)

  • John Danzer
    • John Danzer
    • September 4, 2015 at 6:19 pm

    You actually were simply lucky. As you mentioned, you were well aware of the dangers. Your intuition was informing you NOT to take an unnecessary risk involving your children and your dog. If you tried that again (which I doubt) you might have a different outcome. Your body/mind didn’t get through that by being clever. Your body/mind was working correctly when you were calculating the risks. The environment (raging waters and slippery rocks) simply didn’t impact you enough to drown you or crack your “processor case” iow skull. The lesson is to only take calculated risks whether in business or recreation. You constructed your narrative of “amazing” powers after the event to confirm your bias about some imagined invincibility.

  • Charis Branson
    • Charis Branson
    • August 27, 2015 at 2:18 pm

    Thanks for the comment, Travis! You take me back to my youth! I used to swim at a reservoir where everyone jumped off a bridge into the water. I always had to screw up my courage no matter how many times I did it. Except for those few times when I decided I wasn’t going to even think about it – like when I was trying to show off to an ex-boyfriend. I would just walk off the edge without hesitating. It was exhilarating!

    I never thought of using that same boldness in other areas of life. Great suggestion!

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