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In this episode, Joel and Antonia dive deep into the needs and desires of the ENTJ personality type.

In this podcast on the ENTJ personality type you’ll find:

  • It’s tough to get to know the real ENTJ. There are a lot of layers.
  • Napoleon was most likely an ENTJ.
  • ENTJs are rewarded by society because their kind of leadership is honored by this world.
  • Female ENTJs are often not received well because of imposed gender roles.
  • ENTJs get the job done.
  • They have a lot of perceived confidence. It often appears like nothing rattles them.
  • Most of the answers we got on the survey were very short.
  • There’s a sense that they can’t slow down.
  • If they don’t feel confident they are good at ignoring it. Lack of confidence doesn’t serve them.
  • They have a tendency to overvalue templates that work and never question whether they need to be changed.
  • The driver process for ENTJs is Extraverted Thinking that we nicknamed “Effectiveness.”
  • Effectiveness is fast. It doesn’t question. It just keeps moving.
  • What happens when you’re wrong?
  • The co-pilot is introverted learning process called Introverted Intuition that we have nicknamed “Perspectives.”
  • Perspectives encourages ENTJs to not just assume their observations are accurate. It asks, “Is there a better way?”
  • Napoleonic warfare is a good example of Effectiveness doubling down and not adapting to new warfare strategy.
  • The 10-year-old process is Extraverted Sensing we have nicknamed “Sensation.”
  • If an ENTJ doesn’t slow down and focus on the co-pilot Perspectives, they will synthetically keep themselves limited. Avoiding the big game and not fulfilling their potential.
  • When ENTJs have some past wounding there is an instinct to avoid the inner world. They fear the Intuitive Introverted world. They worry about the pain they may find there.
  • The 3-year-old process is Introverted Feeling that we have nicknamed Authenticity.
  • This is about managing emotions. It asks, “What’s going on for me?”
  • There’s a sense of avoidance out of fear of the inner work. The more ENTJs avoid their inner world the less they will reach their full potential.

In this episode, Joel and Antonia dive deep into the needs and desires of the ENTJ personality type. #ENTJ #ENTJpersonality

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  • Miles O'Brien
    • Miles O'Brien
    • April 16, 2016 at 1:58 am

    also one more tip for ENTJ’s, stopping to reflect and plan out life will be very difficult to do. It’s not something you will take to very easily even if you have the knowledge (as an ENTJ I know.) My word of advice is DO NOT TRY TO DO IT ALL AT ONCE. instead of working all day from morning to night, try to stop 30 minutes earlier than usual and spend that extra time sitting with a notebook and pencil. trying to uproot your productive habits all at once will never work, but if you stop and reflect for short periods of time, your brain won’t recognize the change and you won’t feel too unproductive.

    Aim to do this for a week and gradually increase the time until you have around 4-5 hours where you can just reflect. the important thing to note here is that it is true you won’t be as productive that week in the short run but in the long run you will reap much more rewards than you can ever have imagined.

  • Miles O'Brien
    • Miles O'Brien
    • April 14, 2016 at 8:29 pm

    I recommend also knowing your VAK learning style. I’m an 18 yr old ENTJ but also a Bodily-Kinesthetic learner, meaning its easiest for me to process and learn information while I’m moving. For a long time when I skateboarded as a serious pursuit (something I later dropped for drawing comic-books) I would skate and listen to videos on social calibration and inner-self knowledge ( I know its wooey but when the trained professionals say that it works, i’m in no place to argue.) I didn’t know at the time, but the fact that I was in constant motion while listening to these videos was part of why It was so easy for me to retain the information. Ie: You don’t want to be an visual learner trying to learn things primarily through touch and sound, when it would be 10x easier to understand with maps, diagrams, videos, or books. Just a little tip.

  • Miles O'Brien
    • Miles O'Brien
    • April 14, 2016 at 8:20 pm

    Hello Fatima I am a fellow ENTJ, male though. Someone I found really helpful to learn from is Elliot Hulse on YouTube. Check out his videos. Being an ENTJ we tend to be very high pace individuals and in today’s society this can really cause us to lose track of ourselves. Elliot Hulse teaches how to calm down and focus and tune into your body’s needs ie: the check engine light. As ENTJ’s we tend to ignore our body’s needs, which can be good but a lot of times it can be very detrimental if we don’t know when to stop and reflect. Watch a couple of his videos about goals and discipline and he will give you the foundations you need to build the strongest version of yourself. I actually recommend you look up that exact question that you asked here, he has tons of videos on it.

  • Fatima
    • Fatima
    • April 4, 2016 at 2:16 pm

    I’m a 26 year old female ENTJ. Well I have a lot of questions and confusions which I’m not sure I’ll be able to communicate but here you go.
    So this would definitely sound really selfish and probably immature and unlike ENTJ, but, honestly speaking, we are obviously not robots and we do have feelings. I think the reason why I do not show feelings is that I feel very strongly about some things and once the emotions come on the outwards, I don’t know how to handle them. And well yes, I hate looking like an emotional wreck too so I just decide to never go there. I really don’t know how to deal with that. And for the selfish part, why doesn’t anyone try to understand us? :p I loved how you described how we tell people that we love them or how we ask them “do you love me?” It was SO ON POINT! But why don’t people see value in that? Doesn’t this ignorance make others more superficial? We work really hard on what really matters, and we might chill out if given the confidence that others can be trusted with it. (Oh lol! Probably sounding like a typical ENTJ) :p
    Also just in general, I think as I’ve grown up, I’ve changed a lot from being judgemental to really putting myself in others shoes. It really is an exhaustive task to be honest, but I think it has improved my relationships too and have made me compassionate. People do frustrate me still, but not as much :p I think I’m kinder now.
    And you bringing up the roles part I just felt a huge load being lifted off my shoulders. My whole life I have been fighting so much with the need to fit in a box which to be honest, I don’t really respect. Why should I have to change just because I’m a woman? Why should I have to lower my standards when I know I could be doing a job equally good or better than a man? So why would you suggest us to work around it?
    Also, the traumas you talked about, bad things did happen but I don’t think they have an effect on me. Or probably I’m in denial? How do I deal with that?
    Lastly, ENTJs are often described as doers and go getters. But I have ambitions and great plans but sometimes I end up just day dreaming more than actually going through with them. Also I just tend to procrastinate till it gets too late and I feel like giving up or do give up. What is up with that? Because I do feel like an ENTJ, I hate myself when I’m not achieving and I tend to go into depression, but I keep getting into the same cycle. I start doing things that give me short term pleasures but I continue to go deeper into the dark place of feeling like a failure. I think that’s the sensation part you talked about. How do I stop being lazy and be consistent in working on my goals?
    Well I know that was a lot of me :p but I hope you’d help me a little here.

  • Alyssa
    • Alyssa
    • March 21, 2016 at 10:15 pm

    I am a 26 year old ENTJ woman, and deeply resonated with what you discussed in this podcast. Although, I thought I might add a slight perspective shift on the last few minutes about roles being projected on female ENTJs. I would say that is true from a cultural perspective however it seems to be a problem we create. I have noticed women ENTJs are not given the opportunities to truly operate in our effective strategy giftings because we are often overlooked in favor of someone who is more outspoken. Then, to avoid being overlooked we offer premature solutions as to not be overlooked and miss on a chance to participate/contribute. This does not project well on us. This may be a personal problem as I tend to be lighter on the “J” than many, but I would be curious to hear if any other ENTJs had experienced this

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