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In this episode, Joel and Antonia dive deep into the needs and desires of the ISFP personality type.

In this podcast on the ISFP personality type you’ll find:

  • ISFP – Authenticity/Sensation in the Genius system
  • Highest quality responses on the ISFP survey
  • Car Model – Cognitive Function stack which influences your personality more than anything else.
  • The driver process is Introverted Feeling (Fi), which we have nicknamed “Authenticity.”
  • Fi puts ISFPs in flow.
  • It is a decision making process, so it determines how ISFPs makes decisions.
  • “What feels right to me as a person?” “What resonates with me at the core of my being?”
  • Fi is all about internal feelings – being in touch with how experiences impact you on a subjective level.
  • Anyone who leads with Fi can see a wide spectrum of everything that makes up who they are, even the dark parts.
  • Fi can become very interested in this process of ethics and how we should be treating each other.
  • ISFPs in the survey reported they struggle with self expression. They struggle to express the stuff that is beyond language. The stuff that is pure feeling and can’t just be expressed.
  • The co-pilot is Extraverted Sensing (Se), which we have nicknamed “Sensation.”
  • Sensation is about Real time information. What is coming at you in the moment using all your senses. Kinesthetic. Within body. Grounded.
  • Fi married to Se creates amazing art – self expression in physically tangible ways.
  • “Do you feel on some level you are an artist?” Most ISFPs say yes.
  • The world loves art, but doesn’t love an artist. ISFPs experience something similar to Intuitives – the idealization of them is a lot more acceptable than the reality of them.
  • ISFPs are not here to do the efficient thing. They aren’t here to build systems everybody benefits from. They are here to create and replicate emotional experiences that we cannot access any other way than through art. And that is not efficient. So ISFPs can feel very marginalized because their art is not appreciated.
  • ISFPs 10-year-old process is Introverted Intuition (Ni), which we have nicknamed “Perspectives.”
  • If an ISFP has felt censure from the world because of their need to express themselves freely they will bypass their copilot and go to the 10 year old.
  • Fi-Ni loop. Dangerous terrain.
  • If you only spend time inside of yourself you can get to a level of idealization that cannot play out in the outside world.
  • So the outside world becomes hostile and the ISFP becomes a martyr.
  • This sense of victimization means every time they attempt to do something in the outside world they bring with them all this idealization. It has to be a certain way. It has to be perfect. The outside world has to match what they are imagining inside themselves. Which is unrealistic.
  • The struggle of wanting to have other people understand what you are feeling and never attaining that is the foundation of art. To struggle again and again to create that expression can create great art.
  • But if an ISFP is too crushed by the world they hide away from the world and create more insecurity.
  • The 3-year-old process is Extraverted Thinking (Te), which we have nicknamed “Effectiveness.”
  • Effectiveness is all about getting things done and making things happen in the outside world. We live in a culture that honors Te.
  • For ISFPs this is a blind spot. Which is a struggle in a world that honors Te.
  • Te systems remove the human component. A one size fits all approach.
  • But ISFPs find that offensive. They don’t’ like depersonalized systems. They want the individual honored.
  • Automated systems can frustrate ISFPs.
  • All of us have a tendency to skip the copilot and go to the 10 yr old. If an ISFP paints an idealized perspective of how the world should be and it doesn’t play out in the outside world they can start to retreat even more. They can become more inward focused and double down on the idealized projection of how the world should be.
  • It interrupts relationships with other people. Any time we project out an idealization of how we want the world to be that is not possible everything is going to fall short and we will always be dissatisfied.
  • The antidote is making sure the ISFP spends time in their copilot. It grounds them.
  • Idealism is not the problem. It’s how the idealism is constructed. Create idealism by checking in with reality and pursuing sensation. Then see how other people’s ideals are different.
  • Let the outside world inform your idealism in order to gain competence and self worth and bring value to the world.
  • ISFPs that are on target for a realistic ideal are unstoppable. They will do everything necessary to get to their end game. They make up for their Te blind spot by going after what they want with single minded determination.
  • ISFPs have the ability to help other people replicate emotions. It is their super power!
  • Most of us don’t have access to our emotions on that level. We can get lost in emotional overload. But art can help us process that emotion.
  • ISFPs need to ask themselves what art they bring to the world.

In this episode Joel and Antonia dive deep into the needs and desires of the ISFP personality type. #ISFP #ISFPpersonality

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  • Tatiana Ribber
    • Tatiana Ribber
    • November 12, 2018 at 6:20 am

    I took the test recently and as I was reading the personality type I had tears in my eyes, as it describes so much of my personality, even the traits I struggle to explain to my significant other.
    I spent my entire adult life working with business administration and bookkeeping, side by side with my husband (who, by the way, is an INTJ, yeah, lucky me…). I just have no skills managing people and the prospect to have to discipline or fire someone would make me miserable.

    As I read my profile and then his, it became obvious to me why the past 18 years have been so difficult, why I felt so inadequate, so unhappy with my career choice, and I also came to understand and accept that if we want to continue married we must never work together again.

    I used to be very artistic as a child and adolescent, but then, life happened and art was pushed to the back burner until I lost my ability and confidence to create. but lately, even before I discovered that I was an ISFP, I just have this itch to do something, create something and it just won’t go away, I have so many projects that I want to try, from furniture to wall art. Your podcast and articles have given me the confidence to enroll in an Interior Design course and maybe find my place in the world.

    I am also a very empathetic, emotional person, I usually follow my heart, not my head (maybe this is the reason why I ended up with an INTJ!)

    Thank you so much for all information!

  • Saby
    • Saby
    • August 2, 2018 at 1:02 pm

    Hi I am an ISFP , I am a CIO with decent track record and worked as IT head in differenct companies, developing new system and processes. What gives me kick is – working on new projects , solving complex problems , going beyond boundaries to experience new areas , even at huge risks. I have left established companies to take complex assignments in smaller company and suffered in my career also because of that. But I learnt from my experiences and bounced back after failure. I am innovative and strategic and not detail oriented and need a detail oriented guy in my team as IT projects need that.
    I am not sure how I can change my career and be an artist from my current profession. Incidentally couple of astrolgers told me I will earn many folds abd be more satisfied I pursue my career in the field of art , fashion design etc. That resonates with the podcast , where you mention that . each ISFP is an artist – but I am not able to discover my artist self. Please let me know how I can find an alternate career option in the field of art , by utilising my native personality as ISFP.

    regards Saby

  • Bradley Jones
    • Bradley Jones
    • July 7, 2018 at 3:55 pm

    I think us ISFPs have a tendency to be very doubtful about our type. Since we’re sensors, we want concrete evidence to prove our processes and since the most concrete thing about personality is how it shows up in the world, that’s what we latch onto. It also gets a bit confusing when it comes to the abstract, because with our perspectives process, we tend to find ways to relate at least a little with anybody. It can be hard to discern how much we relate to different types or functions when you can so easily imagine yourself in the position of either of them. And of course it’s very frustrating to us, because our authenticity process drives us to be true to ourselves and if we don’t know what that is, it can be very tempting to just go in circles without making a decision.

  • Helen
    • Helen
    • May 13, 2018 at 4:15 pm

    Back at ISFP!! I’m a SP/SO4 with SX4 repressed. More recent inquiry means I see the ISFP more clearly.

  • Zoe
    • Zoe
    • May 12, 2018 at 4:09 am

    As an ISFP stuck in Fi-Ni loop as well, this also bothers me for ages. Can anyone else share their view and suggestions? XD

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