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In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about how Intuitives can avoid developing a superiority complex.

In this podcast you’ll find:

The idea of iNtuitive superiority surfaces when Intuitives encounter Myers-Briggs.

Our mission is to get the concept of the iNtuition/Sensor dichotomy into the public consciousness so each can hold more space for the other.

Intuitives can feel disenfranchised when they have only experienced a dominant sensor environment. They’ve had a lot of feelings of inferiority or marginalization because they’ve never felt like they fit in.

When someone who has felt marginalized encounters MBTI, they have a tendency to run with it and turn it into a reason for superiority.

We see typology, the ability to understand ourselves and others, as one of the foundational elements of personal growth.

When we talk about an iNtuitive awakening, we want it to come from a personal development framework.

The Huge introvert movement has been popping up in recent years in an attempt to empower introverts to feel okay about being different.

Introverts are not broken. They have specific needs. They need alone time. Their mind goes through more channels when making decisions than extraverts.

The Introvert/Extravert movement has encouraged us as to the potential of the iNtuitive/Sensor movement.

There are a couple of differences though that will make it more challenging.

Introversion/Extraversion is generally accepted by the psychological world, whereas Sensing/iNtuition are unique to the MBTI system.

PHQ: Is There Scientific Evidence For Myers Briggs

Introvert/Extravert split is about 50/50 in the population. More numbers to create that tipping point so necessary for societal shifts.

Sensor/iNtuition is a 75/25 split. Less represented. Less understood. Less recognized.

There are clear advantages with both introversion and extraversion.

There tends to be a mystical element when we explain the iNtuitive processes. We have a tendency to romanticize Intuition.

There’s less introvert vs. extravert division in that one doesn’t necessarily feel hugely disenfranchised by the other.

We don’t want to romanticize iNtuition. We don’t want people saying they wish they were iNtuitive. We prefer this dichotomy be seen as mundane because it is mundane in the sense that it is a daily experience for 25% of the population.

The tendency for iNtuitives online to act like dicks to Sensors is only going to challenge the iNtuitive awakening.

In our opinion, an Intuitive Awakening is good for everyone.

If we feel iNtuitives are superior to Sensors we need to root that out. It is wildly inaccurate.

It creates a win/lose scenario which never works.

Podcast: Introverted Intuition vs Extraverted Intuition

Intuition does not equal intelligence. It is just perceiving of the world in a different way – Using advanced pattern recognition to see what is behind the curtain.

Intuitives are not more intelligent than Sensors

Podcast: Howard Gardner Multiple Intelligence Theory

Certain kinds of intelligence trend to certain types.

INTJs trend to being the smartest person in the room in the way that society honors analytical intelligence. This doesn’t mean INTJs are the smartest full stop. Just in their type of intelligence.

There are multiple styles of intelligence.

Sensor types will trend toward different styles of intelligence.

Society goes through phases of when they honor the different kinds of intelligence.

Podcast: General Semantics

We use the same word to mean multiple things.

We’d like to see iNtuition awakened on all levels. Even Sensors have an iNtuitive cognitive function in their car model.

Video on being inclusionary when referring to iNtuition.

Where your iNtuitive Cognitive Function shows up in your stack will influence you.

We can’t have “us vs. them” segregation mindset.

Our request is that if you have any inferiority/superiority over your type, (aka type patriotism) recognize that you have some stuff going on inside of you that has nothing to do with being iNtuitive. You are using being iNtuitive as a way to avoid dealing with your stuff.

Let us do everything we can to operate on a high vibration. This isn’t the place to put your wounds on display. This is the place to raise ourselves up and make all of us better. If you see any segregation happening, call it out. Make sure to point out that there isn’t a place for this type of mentality. It doesn’t serve anybody.

In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about how Intuitives can avoid developing a superiority complex. #podcast #MBTI

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  • Felicia
    • Felicia
    • August 24, 2016 at 12:44 pm

    I became grateful, not resentful.

    I learned long ago that if the direction in which I am going is wrong, the right direction is not necessarily the opposite one. There aren’t just two direction, two options and the options available are definitely not necessarily opposite.

    So, no, I did not fall in love with myself, neither did I become angry with those who could not see me for who I was.
    I was simply very relieved to realize that who I was made sense, that my flaws were not flaws, and that what I needed to do was focus on and develop my strengths and learn to live with my flaws, instead of the other way round.

    I became grateful, not resentful.

  • Taylor
    • Taylor
    • August 23, 2016 at 9:00 pm

    Oh goodness, thank-you for this much needed podcast.

    I see it like a Trivial Pursuit wheel; in the game trivial pursuit, you need all the pie-wedges to win. If you’re just an expert in one area, you don’t make it to the finish. Society is the same way—if we want to “win”, we need all the wedges, or, all the types.

    I think intuitives get freaked out by sensors (and vice versa) because they see their “truths” in direct conflict with their intuitive ones, and it becomes a “winner/loser” situation. If you think of opposite cognitive functions like an impressionist painting, lets say Si is the individual dots of paint, and Ne is the entire picture you see emerge from those dots of paint, it’s easier to accept multiple truths. You can see how their truth doesn’t negate yours, but actually is integral to it. In the example of the impressionist painting, if the Si dots weren’t there, or catergorized specifically, there would be no painting to observe. If there isn’t an Ne observer looking at the painting, the dots don’t make sense. The thing is, if you’re standing on the canvas, you can only see dots and have to have a bit of faith the Ne observer knows what they’re talking about. Likewise, if you’re the Ne observer standing at the back of the gallery, you have to have faith in the detailed perspective of the Si observer.

    But, most of us don’t want to extend that faith and instead exert the superiority of our view.

  • J. Stark
    • J. Stark
    • August 23, 2016 at 8:38 pm

    Thank you for a great podcast!

    There is one thing I need to take up. As being an intuitive and perspective person there is something that I almost totally lack and that is extrovert sensing. In reality it is all about balance. Some say that it is the balance between heart and mind, knowing and sensing that we are supposed to achieve. As above so below used the wise men say. One ought to find the balance with that which is within and that which is without.

    If one desires to dwell deeper into the hidden realms of the mind one needs to learn to ground the mind on the body first. This is where we need to train sensing. Then by practicing self-awareness one can slowly and gently fall deeper and deeper within the mind itself. If we lose the track of our sensing we will fall asleep. If we are just self-aware but miss the sensing, we will never be able to fall deeper.

    This is very fine and subtle practice and it takes time to settle the mind so that one can start to dwell deeper into it. And as I said, without being aware of the sensations one can never dig deeper without loosing one’s self-awareness. In this case one really needs to learn how to eat the cake and still have it left ;)

    All the Best Wishes

  • Katie
    • Katie
    • August 23, 2016 at 6:14 pm

    This is great! Thanks!

  • Tom Web
    • Tom Web
    • August 23, 2016 at 3:03 pm

    After listening to your The Superior Intuitive Complex podcast, I would suggest that the Introverted and INtuitive support groups, blogs, etc exist because theses traits are typically (inadvertently) suppressed by other types. While understanding other types helps us accept others for who they are, how do the Introverts and INtuitives mitigate these suppressions in a win/win scenarios?
    Suggested topic:

    For example, at parties, work, etc., extroverts will often feel sad for the introvert and attempt to extrovert them to make them happy. How does an introvert mitigate these advances? How do they find contentment at parties. It seems to me that the introvert has to do all the work because the extrovert can’t perceive how an introvert can be happy. Are there some common situations whereby an introvert can be given a set of tools to politely block extroverted advances.
    INtuition and Sensing have the same difficulties. Sensors go on and on about some minute details about some insignificant thing while the iNtuitive try’s to retain eye contact while at the same time praying that the person will find someone else to engage. When the iNtuitive tries to hold the conversation, people simply rudely walk off take control of the conversation. Are there tools for the iNtuitive to help them mitigate these situations?
    I would be interested in your thoughts.

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