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In this episode, Joel and Antonia talk about the 7 Chakras and how to use them as a toolset for personal growth.

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HAT Podcast

Our hypothesis is that when you are in an achievement period of life cracks start to show, and we have to go back and deal with healing issues that are preventing us from moving forward.

Achievement is based on formulas for success. Concrete examples to follow.

When dealing with traumas from the past, it isn’t as formulaic as achievement. It can be messy.

We have branched out into areas that may seem a bit esoteric. Fantastic metaphors. Ways to put language around the things with which we struggle.

Chakras originally come from an eastern religious concept. Chakras are energy centers in the body. Chakra means wheel.

Balance is the goal. Too much or too little is considered a dysfunction.

There are 7 Chakras in the subtle energetic body.

Prana – Life energy. Each of these Chakra centers is a place where the Prana lands and has a different impact depending on where the Chakra center is located.

Western medicine has matched up these Chakra centers with the endocrine centers.

The Chakra system is a theme that shows up over and over again in various belief and healing structures.

Imagine your spine from bottom to top:

  • Root Chakra is located at the Perineum, and it is a vivid red. It represents our connection to the physical earth. It is a grounding Chakra associated with survival, trust, security. Root Chakra looks like a spinning wheel pointing toward the earth. Can also interplay with how we are taking care of ourselves and others. (Chakra Exercises for Highly Sensitive People). Imagine the Root Chakra as having literal roots going into the ground and allowing the earth to use that root structure to pull the toxins from your body. Eliminate the waste. Can also help with the feeling of being ungrounded and flighty.
  • Sacral Chakra is located below the navel; it is orange, and it is associated with sexual power and creativity. Relationship interplay. Emotions. This Chakra helps build intimacy. Lack of satisfaction can be a sign of dysfunction; also overvaluing the sexual component and undervaluing emotional component.
  • Solar Chakra is at the solar plexus, near the diaphragm and it is yellow like the sun. It is associated with power and wisdom, Personal autonomy, Energy, Vitality, Personal authority, and Sovereignty. This power center is different from the Root Chakra. If you are feeling not grounded, it doesn’t mean you aren’t feeling sovereign and vice versa. You can still be powerful and feel ungrounded. Your sovereignty can show up imbalanced if it has a tendency to run over and exploit others. May show up as a lack of permission to have personal authority. Not trauma related. Not Root Chakra related. Sovereignty related. A self-contained unit of personal power. Imagine a beam of yellow light piercing your stomach, spinning, and opening.
  • Heart Chakra is located at the center of the chest near the heart, and it is vivid green. Associated with love, healing, connection. It brings balance and connection into our lives. All types of love: romantic, familial, friendship. Compassion. Some schools of thought say the ego lives here, so our identity could be wrapped up with Heart Chakra. Positivity and good will toward others. Vulnerability. Work with this Chakra can expand emotional fortitude. Agape exercises – allow self to become filled with love for everything.
  • Throat Chakra is at the throat, and it is sky blue. It is the Chakra of expression, communication, and giving voice to opinions/thoughts. Where we generate the things we want to express in the world. An inability to express oneself can indicate an imbalance here. Frog in the throat. Sore throats. Laryngitis. Keeping this clear allows you to articulate your purpose and express yourself fully. To say the thing you are meant to say. Tonality may be inhibited. Or may come up as somebody who can’t stop talking.
  • Brow/Third Eye Chakra is located between the eyebrows and is Indigo; it is often associated with spiritual intuition. There are all sorts of styles of intuition. Awareness. Intuitive understanding available to all personality types, not just iNtuitive types as in MBTI. Gut sense. Sixth sense. You don’t have to be intuitive to have a robust and vibrant Brow Chakra. People who have a closed down Brow Chakra are closed off to everything that is not empirically true. They stay with draconian ideas because they can’t be open to anything new.
  • Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head and is usually violet in color; it is associated with enlightenment. Spirituality. Cosmic understanding. Connection to a higher power/authority. Crown Chakra faces upward to heaven. Can be the center of creative inspiration. Our muse. It does not need any particular divinity: however you choose to interpret Source. Can show up as imbalanced if someone is too skeptical and never believes in anything that cannot be proven, or too reliant upon spirituality and can’t move without divine guidance.

Creativity can come with a sense of being open to new things.

The Chakra system gives you a language and framework to look at different aspects of your life.

Even the most ardent skeptic can benefit from visualizing these Chakra centers and focusing on the advantages they bring.

They are different components of life that relate to the things people do the most personal development around.

Kundalini Rising

Kundalini is an energetic coil located at the base of all the Chakras – near the Root. Through energetic work, you can awaken this energy coil, and it will fire up through the rest of the Chakras like a striking snake. If a Chakra is blocked, it will keep the energy from flowing cleanly.

Chakra System and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:

  • Root Chakra – survival/safety/security
  • Sacral and Heart Chakras – love and belongingness
  • Throat/Solar Chakras – self-esteem
  • Brow/Crown Chakras – self-actualization

Dysfunction in the lower levels/Chakras can trigger problems above.

Robert Anton Wilson once said that people who are really into conspiracy theories might be individuals who spent a lot of time opening up their Brow Chakra and never worked on opening their Heart Chakra.

Energetic wiring.

Is your way of looking at the world serving you well? Are you open to new ideas?

Question previous assumptions.

Referenced in this podcast:

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  • Zainab Amadahy
    • Zainab Amadahy
    • August 13, 2016 at 5:32 pm

    On the woo side?? Seriously. What century do you think this is?

  • Tara
    • Tara
    • July 12, 2016 at 7:25 pm

    Hi foday, I’m an INFJ, so you & I use the same functions but in roughly the opposite order. You’re naturally better at the things I’m worse at (logic & engaging with the physical world), and I’m better at the things you’re worse at (intuition & emotions). Since you’re talking about intuitions & emotions, I thought I’d offer some insight.

    One of the most important interpersonal things I’ve learned is that, no matter how strong a vibe I’m picking up from somebody, I can never really KNOW that I’ve analyzed their situation/perspective correctly unless I talk to them about it, or at the very least get to know them better.

    I think it’s important to remember that your intuitions happen inside of YOU, and are not necessarily in line with reality or the interior world of another person. They’re just hunches.

    I hope that when you saw your girlfriend’s sad eyes it compelled you to try and work things out with her. Otherwise the flash of insight you had wasn’t doing either of you any good. (It wasn’t doing any bad either. It just… was.)

    Also, I’m not sure why you’re categorizing your hunches about women as “intimacy.” From what you said, it sounds like you imagined, tried to understand, or felt what the women were feeling. That’s empathy. Intimacy happens between people. Your intuitions happen in your own head. It is 100% acceptable (beneficial even!) for you to empathize with women. I think it would serve you to drop the intimacy/empathy distinction here.

    All the best.

  • Alice
    • Alice
    • July 12, 2016 at 3:26 pm

    Thanks Charis! That looks great :)

  • Charis Branson
    • Charis Branson
    • July 11, 2016 at 7:22 pm

    Hi Alice! This is my current fave:

  • Alice
    • Alice
    • July 11, 2016 at 4:59 pm

    Thanks for another great podcast. I need to work on several of my chakras (but particularly my solar plexus I think). Can you recommend any guided meditations for all of the chakras? :)

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