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In this episode, Joel and Antonia explore the reasons why people fear success and what we can do about it.

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In this episode Joel and Antonia explore the reasons why people fear success and what we can do about it. #podcast #fearsuccess #personalgrowth

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  • Christine
    • Christine
    • October 29, 2018 at 11:32 am

    a) what do I really deserve

    b) what really strikes me here is that you have attached to succes much negative images. But success can not only mean being a prisoner of ones business but you might get more freedom, more choices. It must not only mean being targeted but also beinfg seen more, meet more people that are helping, are enthusiastic whatever. its also depednign on the vision. if its a negative one, then no wonder you subconsciously push it away.

    but success can cause much more feedom and much joy, happyness and appreciation and those people whos businesses are big often have much freedom for example. also the thing with “then I am stuck in that business” why? if you have more ressources ist so much easier to quit (sell or whatever) and do the next thing. some live it this way and thats ok also and they can do what is natural to them,. as long as you label success with negative aspects who always have an excuse to not really go for it.

    it felt like: no, we better talk ourselves out of it.

    c) I dont master this neitehr yet ;-) :-P

  • Emilie
    • Emilie
    • September 28, 2018 at 5:35 pm

    What is stopping me, to answer your question, Joel, is

    1) Fear of failure.But I am taking good care of my self esteem issues ;)

    2) As quoted, fear of losing my freedom

    Thank you both for this inspiring session.

  • Wren
    • Wren
    • September 20, 2018 at 9:48 pm

    Hey Johno,

    I think Joel and Antonia see the “Intuitive Awakening” Facebook group as their forum. There is definitely a lot of discussion there. I wonder what you see as a benefit of an actual forum over that? Is FB too big? Or not anonymous enough?

    I think Stellar Maze is a very different model from what PH is trying to do. I find SM values purity and exclusivity more, while PH values accessibility and expansion more. Stellar Maze has a more close knit community for sure, but I bet its reach is far less. I’ve actually been impressed by the community that has formed in the IA group considering how many people are supposed to be in it.

  • Of course I think it’s important to go through this questioning, I’m going through it myself. I do hope that if your business grows to be huge, that you will be able to maintain unity that you created.
    • Of course I think it’s important to go through this questioning, I’m going through it myself. I do hope that if your business grows to be huge, that you will be able to maintain unity that you created.
    • September 12, 2018 at 7:12 pm

    I’m in the midst of listening to this podcast. Your success/fear of failure definitely resonates for me. Perhaps she’ll get to this later in the podcast, but I’m wondering how you define success. I would say the reason I think your podcast is set apart from others, is because I would never think to me and feel comfortable and like I knew some of the other successful podcast or‘s that you mentioned. The two of you are so involved in your community of listeners, that I almost feel like you’re part of my family Of course I think it’s important to go through this questioning, I’m going through it myself. I do hope that if your business grows to be huge, that you will be able to maintain unity that you created.

  • Johno
    • Johno
    • September 12, 2018 at 2:33 pm

    I just went back and discovered that former comments I’ve left have in fact posted

    I am really surprised because the experience of posting a comment on your website feels like a big fat zero. If you’re going to wait to post comments till they’ve been reviewed let me know when I submit that it’s been submitted and will be reviewed. But I don’t understand why you would do this. Far better to let people contribute and erase the garbage later.

    Because half the reason we want to post is to burn off that opportunistic energy that builds up when we see someone seeming successful and accessible. When i don’t see my comment post it feels like a big miss, like a huge letdown.

    Consider a change. I just think you clearly need a place to channel your users energy and a more functional forum is a solid solution. Otherwise the sense of being surrounded by opportunists will … persist.

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