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In this episode, Joel and Antonia dive into deep personality type content around the cognitive function polarities, what they are, why they are important, and how they influence your personality.

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In this episode Joel and Antonia dive into deep personality type content around the cognitive function polarities, what they are, why they are important, and how they influence your personality. #mbti #myersbriggs

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  • Mary
    • Mary
    • March 12, 2021 at 4:20 pm

    This was really helpful, especially the idea of a sliding scale between the polarities. The mind-body connection of the SP/NJ types especially resonated. I’ve always tested out INTJ, but I recently started studying the ISTP because I thought that was most likely my husband’s type (it’s not, he’s def INTP). In the process I discovered that I actually related quite a bit to the ISTP and that it filled a lot of gaps in my personality that never sat right with the INTJ descriptions, primarily the draw that I have towards physical acvitity, the outdoors, and some adrenaline junkie tendencies, along with a hard limit on how much “intuitive conversation” I can engage in without needed to get up and go do something else.

    This podcast brought a ton of insight into why these two types can look so much alike. I still haven’t settled on one. I’m a little too uptight and scheduled to easily fit the ISTP description, and while I have an aptitude for sports and mechanical type work it is definitely something I need to try hard at to develop.

    Thanks for releasing it.

  • Cody
    • Cody
    • July 2, 2019 at 1:36 am

    Hey Joel,
    Hi Antonia,

    I have taken your personality test on your website a couple times and always end up getting ENFJ. I also relate to INFJ.

    I really relate to the Action vs Analysis polarity (SeNi). I was wondering if it is normal to go back and forth between both functions quite regularly and with relative ease. I have had moments in about equal measure of being analytical and not taking action or taking action right away. For example if I have to call a busy appointment center to make an appointment say for the doctor, sometimes I will know that it is not the right time to call to make the appointment so I won’t even attempt. But sometimes with other things I have noticed a tendency to acting quite impulsively feeling I would have to call or make my decision immediately without any form of analysis whatsoever.

    I was wondering if being able to switch pretty easily between the two means neither is my dominant process. Possibly leaving one as my copilot and the other as a 10 year old. I don’t really relate to getting peoples needs met all the time nor am I preoccupied with collecting good code or pure data (Fe and Ti respectively) I do relate to that feeling of the mood in a room or at a party going up up UP! like you have mentioned in your podcasts on Extraverted Feeling.

    Gonna give a listen to the TeFi and Fe Ti polarities next and see if anything clicks.

    This Action vs Analysis mentality is so easy to see in myself and makes so much more sense to me than NeSi polarity although I do venture into my past in a post processing way, or at least I think I am until those thoughts manifest as an experience in the next moment or in the next day or two.
    My parents are always telling me I am too impulsive and, also, too unwilling to take action or that I procrastinate or am lazy. They are INTP and ESFJ.

    Just another great podcast to help in my self discovery process. thanks!

    sorry if this was written poorly I tried to fix it up as best I could.

  • Chris Beasley
    • Chris Beasley
    • February 21, 2019 at 10:12 pm

    Sooo good! Really fun episode. I’m a ENTP comedian who struggles writing jokes daily with blank page syndrome. But adding Si will greatly up my game. Thank you so much!!!

  • Eric Bolden
    • Eric Bolden
    • December 20, 2018 at 4:02 pm

    This is fascinating (especially the part about the “agendas” of the polarities.
    You can see it that the polarities are created by the way the ego divides reality. So one function and attitude chosen will imply the opposite function and attitude, but as an “unchosen” side of the same thing.

  • Sharon
    • Sharon
    • December 17, 2018 at 11:29 pm

    Is it possible that your extroversion too quickly made you jump into action words on this one? You lost me pretty quick. I’ve listened to and really appreciated over a hundred of your podcasts to date, but found this one to be your weakest. It could be my very introverted personality analysing this one, but I’m more familiar with the perceiving processes as being what sensations we notice and what patterns spark in our brains automatically as real-time information comes in. It’s also what brain activity we can encourage later when post-processing the memories we created.

    I’m in no way expert, but this podcast bothered me because it didn’t feel as clean-sliced as what you usually offer, which was disappointing enough for me to comment on. It didn’t seem to maintain the distinction of perceiving vs judging while analysing the polarities.

    Some of your ideas were really good, but the extrapolations are where it fell apart, I think. I can understand Ni vs Se as ‘analysis vs action’ if it relates to making assumptions about what will happen next vs just living in the experience of the moment, but relating it to how fast we act on the information seems odd. I’ve read too much INTJ material to be comfortable with analysis vs action being Ni vs Se rather than Ni vs Te.

    Ne vs Si as ‘changing vs accepting’ could be better related to looking at the world through the lens of seeing future potential in everything regardless of its present circumstance vs observing how the various elements of life’s experiences have evolved over time.

    The discordant note on this one might actually be related to how you recently used this information. The language you used is probably priming you got from doing the conference? If you’re working to profile people and teach others to profile, you are probably looking primarily for their actions. Hmmm. Taking this podcast with a look at seeing myself from an outsider’s point of view rather than trying to analyse my own brain wiring from the inside gives the podcast more potential. I’m going to listen to it again with this perspective in mind, actually.

    Thanks for the previous hundred and counting that were really good. Hoping to like this one better the second time around.

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