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In this episode, Joel and Antonia talk about the Myers-Briggs cognitive functions and their relationship to time.

In this podcast you’ll find:

  • A float tank is excellent for Introverted Intuition
  • Introversion and extraversion have an interesting relationship with time and space.
  • All the extraverted functions live in the outside world.
  • So they are intrinsically tied to the laws of interfacing, which are laws we need to agree on to interface with other people.
  • One of those laws is the law of time.
  • We, as humans, experience time linearly.
  • We are linear but time and space are not.
  • All the extraverted functions are bound to time and space as a continuum.
  • The introverted functions are untethered from the laws of interfacing because they are inside of us, so they aren’t tethered to linear time.
  • Extraverted Functions:
    • 2 Extraverted Perceiving functions:
      • Extraverted Intuition
      • Extraverted Sensing
  • These are the parts of us that want to have freedom and learn, so they are the most rebellious to time.
  • These functions tend to resent time because it means less time for experiences.
  • 2 Extraverted Judging Functions
    • Extraverted Feeling
    • Extraverted Thinking
  • These functions are more likely to hand themselves over to time because they recognize the need for schedules.
  • You recognize you can’t have full freedom and get goals accomplished.
  • Extraverted Intuition tries to cheat time by packing as many experiences in as possible
  • Extraverted Sensing cheats time by being present and having the most intense experiences it can.
  • Extraverted Perceiving functions are both eager for experiences.
  • All extraverted functions acknowledge that the rules of time and space exist, but they react differently to them.
  • Extraverted perceiving functions rebel against time
  • Extraverted judging functions work within the laws of time.
  • All introverted functions don’t need to interact with the outer world at all.
  • Introverted Functions:
    • 2 Introverted Perceiving functions
      • Introverted Intuition
      • Introverted Sensing
    • 2 Introverted Judging functions
      • Introverted Thinking
      • Introverted Feeling
  • Introverted functions get to decide whether or not to interface with time.
  • Introverted Sensing is fascinated with the past
  • Introverted Intuition is more interested in the future.
  • But both can interact with the past or future.
  • They capture experiences and bring them inside to interact with at their leisure.
  • Post-processing.
  • Introverted Perceiving processes don’t need to obey the laws of time, but they master it within themselves
  • This is why Introverted perceivers will sometimes struggle with time management because the outer world isn’t their usual way of interacting with time.
  • INFJs and ISFJs may struggle with organization because they must wait for a catalyst or need to get them into action.
  • So, these types may struggle to interface with time similarly to Extraverted Perceivers.
  • Introverted Judging functions are the least tied to time because they create systems in their heads.
  • Time Binding is a thought or concept written down thousands of years ago which holds up thousands of years later.
  • Data isn’t bound by time.
  • Extraverted Judging functions are the most likely to hand themselves over to the rules of time.
  • Introverted Judging functions are the least likely to hand themselves over to time.
  • Introverted Perceiving functions could ignore time, but they have chosen not to because it is pleasurable for them to be gods over time.
  • Introverted functions are often called selfish because they are self-oriented.
  • All the extraverted functions are imperious. They believe they should be able to get their way.
  • This info may help us give grace to each other.
  • Introverts aren’t selfish; they just self-reference.
  • Extraverts aren’t overstepping they are just experiencing in the outer world.
  • Sit down and write down your four-function stack, as we do in the car model.
  • The ENTP driver process is Extraverted Intuition which rebels against time as much as it can.
  • ENTPs copilot is Introverted Thinking which doesn’t care that much for time.
  • So, an ENTP needs to find another part of themselves to interact with time in a better way.
  • ENTPs tertiary is Extraverted Feeling which has a responsive relationship to time.
  • So, an ENTP needs to set up catalysts in life to put them into motion and get things done to meet external needs.
  • It may be okay for you to be beholden to people if it helps you get things done.
  • ENTPs inferior is Introverted Sensing which isn’t going to interface with time reliably, but it can review concepts of time.
  • Extraverted Intuition wants to rebel against time, but Introverted Sensing sees itself as the master of time and has a friendlier relationship to it.
  • So, if an ENTP wants to develop a friendly relationship with time, they can use their inferior function to develop a friendlier relationship with time.
  • But the highest leverage function for the ENTP to interface well with time is their tertiary, Extraverted Feeling.
  • It won’t be a strength. It will be a bit idealistic and sloppy, at first.
  • ENTPs are very good at performing at the eleventh hour which helps them overcome their weaknesses with time
  • ENTPs have a more responsive relationship with time than ENFPs who must use their tertiary Extraverted Thinking.
  • Extraverted Thinking is going to be more proactive with time and less responsive.
  • ENFPs may tether to time better than ENTPs because of their tertiary.
  • Our relationship to time and space is only one node of how we interact with time and space.
  • So, are IPs screwed? No
  • When Introverted Feeling or Thinking realize something is truly important to them, they bring all the conviction and integrity with them and blast it to the outside world.
  • IPs can be unstoppable.
  • Because IPs can’t rely upon time and space as the thing that gets them going, they need to use their superpower of conviction and integrity to determine what is important.
  • You aren’t screwed if you don’t have a natural tethering to time.
  • The stereotype is that the EJs have the most natural ability to interact with time and space.
  • But EJs lack the relationship with their inner calibration, so the things they get done aren’t serving them as well as if they were able to interface more fully with inner conviction and integrity.
  • Don’t see this as fatalistic.
  • There are many components to getting things done.
  • One of the advantages to extraverted perceiving functions is that they still recognize the laws of time and space.
  • So they get a lot done.
  • They are less worried about the economy of their actions.

 In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about the Myers-Briggs cognitive functions and their relationship to time. #MBTI #myersbriggs

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  • Mish
    • Mish
    • April 30, 2020 at 11:14 am

    Are there correlations with cognitive functions and core value/s?
    i.e for INTJ would core values be perspectives and effectiveness, or ENTP exploration and accuracy, etc.

  • Hal
    • Hal
    • December 17, 2019 at 6:24 am

    Great one!
    “Extroverted functions tied up to the law of interfacing” This analysis really helps me to go deeper about the nature of each function.
    There should be more interesting themes to consider from this perspective other than time and space.
    I hope this conversation extends in the future!

  • Jun
    • Jun
    • November 16, 2019 at 10:13 am

    Hahaha! That was great podcast you guys. As an INTP who is very over-reliant on Ti, I was thinking “Hm, I do not feel like a god of time or rebellious against time.” And then you guys said “But what about IPs?” Haha, the immovable object is very accurate, at least in my case. Usually, I find that when I notice time, it is mostly to be shocked that it exists. I like to mull things over in my head for so long, all of a sudden I will realize “what, that’s due tomorrow?!” Or I will spend so long meticulously analyzing a certain passage (I am a music student) that when I go into lesson or rehearsal measures 21-37 and 54-66 will be perfect! And the rest of the piece I will barely be able to play. I have found that when I am most productive in terms of output, I write down a schedule for the day and set a timer to go off every half hour. I still never accomplish everything I needed to do, but it at least acts as a reminder that time exists and is passing.

  • Dalia
    • Dalia
    • November 15, 2019 at 10:39 am

    Hi there!
    I’ve been listening to your podcast on Spotify for a few weeks now and I really want to say a big thank you for what you’re doing!

    I’ve been depressed for the last year and I’m finally getting better. What helped is combination of things – going to therapy, reading a number of psychology books (“Feeling good: The new mood therapy” was the most beneficial, actually – life changing), keeping up a healthy lifestyle, meditating daily and…listening to your podcast! Before, I have been heavily focused on the impact of my childhood/ upbringing/ relationships with my parents and others, various past events. When I found out that I’m an INFP, that provided me with a more objective understanding of- and a more forgiving attitude towards myself and others. While past events and traumas are definitely important to be faced, my internal critic is now less harsh knowing the weaknesses and tendencies of mine and others. That also explained why I have such a complicated relationship with my father who is ISTJ.

    As for the topic of this podcast, I definitely struggle with time management as an INFP. I find it very hard to get to places on time, overestimate what I can achieve in a given time and so on. I always felt somewhat irritated when traveling with my parents who always wanted to see and do as much as possible during the holiday, while I wanted to really experience/ feel the place without rushing.

    Sorry for a long post and thanks again for the brilliant content!

    Btw, I should probably mention where I got to learn about you – I was listening to another completely different podcast called “Illustration hour” (by Julia Dufosse) – each of the episodes is an interview with a different graphic designer or illustrator. Your podcast was mentioned by Allison Filice (episode no.1) and the way she presented it really got me interested. So happy about this recommendation.
    P.s. sorry for any typos/ broken English, i’m not a native speaker.

  • Deana
    • Deana
    • November 1, 2019 at 2:20 pm

    This podcast helped me understand my INFJ response to time. It is hard for me to understand how one can pull off an entire Thanksgiving meal, yet a particular guest is an hour late (with the mashed potatoes or whatever) every year. It feels inconsiderate and dismissive. A wise friend asked me if several of the procrastinators in my family were optimists; they are! They tend to overestimate their abilities or underestimate the probability of a snag in the plan. I would be the pessimist who assumes numerous versions of said snag.
    I also relate to Charis’s aha moment regarding her quiet reflection vs. the extrovert’s exuberant enjoyment of a beautiful scene. So helpful.
    I chuckled at the knocking down a wall before the holidays. I have lived this for 29 years. I have actually been able to use the mess to my advantage. This experience can cover a multitude of sins or dust bunnies and get me out of an unwanted imposition. Take heart singles it is survivable.

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