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In this episode of the Personality Hacker podcast, Joel and Antonia explore the 4 work styles that influence INTJ careers.

Discover more about subtypes in Dr. Dario Nardi’s “The 64 Subtypes in Depth”


In this podcast you’ll find:

  • Why are Joel and Antonia discussing careers for each of the personality types?
  • What are some popular career choices for INTJs?
  • Introducing the INTJ subtypes by Dr. Dario Nardi.
    • How to approach the concept of the four subtypes.
  • Check out our previous podcast episode where Dario introduces the four subtypes of each personality type.
  • The energy and flavor of the four subtypes.
  • The four INTJ subtypes:
    • Dominant subtype – how these INTJs react quickly to situations
    • Creative subtype – how these INTJs apply their creativity in a broader way
    • Normalizing subtype – how these INTJs apply their future-oriented vision to more traditional paths
    • Harmonizing subtype – how these value-driven INTJs work according to their philosophies and ideas
  • How our subtypes can shift over time.
  • How we can use our understanding of subtypes to achieve the characteristics we desire.

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  • Eve
    • Eve
    • August 25, 2023 at 3:57 pm

    Antonio and Joel, can you say more about the analytic/ holistic Ni variation? I’m really struggling with understanding. Thought I had it when you spoke about holistic being more peripheral but then towards the end of the episode you said something about it being more directive (outward/ focused energy??). I’m definitely not remembering correctly… but it was something that seemed contradictory. Can you come back and say more so I can get unstuck? This feels important. Thanks much! ?

  • Eve
    • Eve
    • August 25, 2023 at 3:50 pm

    John, your post really resonated with me. I, for a VERY BRIEF second, wondered if I was INFJ but knew I didn’t have a strong relationship with Fe/Ti. For a longer second, I wondered if I was an INFP but my Te was to gangster to be down there at the bottom of the stack. Lol.

    Like so many others have said, this episode was a game changer. My specialization sometimes puts me at odds with Antonio and Joel but honestly, they saved my life. Not trying to be hyperbolic, but episodes like this one really allow me to have a healthier relationship with self!! And, for this, I’m forever grateful… and loyal.

  • Eve
    • Eve
    • August 25, 2023 at 3:39 pm

    That’s interesting how you have connected to the normalizing subtype as in the middle of the two other subtypes you are drawn to.

    I’m fairly similar but on the other side. I toggle between dominant (at work) and harmonizing (outside of work). As a result, I’ve deduced that I was at some point a creative. While I know I actually am creative, I use my creativity in service of my leadership (dominant) or my foundership (harmonizing). When I think of living a creative life for the sake of creativity, I get anxious. It is this point that made me listen to the episode three times. I really struggled with identifying with a primary subtype. I think creative was my starting point but my training/ industry moved me into the wings.

    Thanks for sharing you story. It helped!!

  • Maddie
    • Maddie
    • July 5, 2023 at 11:25 pm

    Eureka! I only figured out I’m an INTJ because of these subtypes. It took me a long ass time to figure this out. Over the past 8 years I’ve been INFJ, ENTP, INFP, ENTP… Thank you for putting this together.

  • Erik Bland
    • Erik Bland
    • July 1, 2023 at 10:25 pm

    Thank you so much for producing this series, I’m slowly working my way through the episodes, but thought I’d comment on this one since I identify as INTJ. I certainly feel like I fit the Harmonizing subtype. Many of those example professions sound great to me, and I also definitely resonate with the struggle to perform some very rudimentary tasks (mostly involving a subset of social interactions with other people).

    But I’m most interested in this distinction Joel and Antonia have noted between the four subtypes (for any of the 16 types) – that when used analytically, a cognitive function may lack openness but is more strongly capable of creating effects in the world. And vice versa for cognitive function when used holistically.

    I generally proscribe to the idea that the best path to happiness or life satisfaction is to realize that we can’t always control external things, but we can always control our own perspective – and that that is where our focus is best aimed. But this idea felt a bit off, because we certainly can influence external things – never with 100% effectiveness or certainty of course. But we can do so, and we often create real value for ourselves and for others when we do.

    I am now wondering – when we utilize a cognitive function analytically, are we’re choosing to prioritize outer world effectiveness, but in doing so we give up some flexibility in adapting our own perspectives? So we can create outer world change, but our happiness is increasingly at the mercy of our circumstances.
    And conversely, of course, when we utilize a function holistically, we’re better able to adapt our perspectives to a variety of situations, but we’ll have a harder time creating outer world change? So we’re increasingly helpless, but more mentally resilient to adversity.

    So maybe we will best realize happiness or satisfaction by situationally choosing when to apply a cognitive function analytically and when to apply it holistically. And of course, developing ourselves to be best able to apply either one as the situation demands.

    Anyways, very cool series, thanks again! I’m also interested in the relationship between the four different preferred neurotransmitters and one’s subtype, I will need to look more into that…

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