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In this episode, Joel and Antonia go on a journey of discovery where they showcase the need for positively expressed Introverted Feeling in today’s world.

In this podcast you’ll find:

  • The Wire (HBO)
  • Introverted Intuition (Ni) “Perspectives”
  • Ni is a perceiving process
  • Dominant function for INTJs & INFJs
  • Copilot function for ENTJs & ENFJs
  • Real understanding without the depth of intimacy that Fi feels.
  • Ni feels objective. Understanding for understanding sake without empathy.
  • Being able to understand someone is different from validating their feelings.
  • Compassion can be the result, but it’s not the mechanism Ni uses when understanding another person’s perspective.
  • Ni gives us the ability to study things dispassionately
  • NTJs are more likely to look at everything in concepts of systems.
  • NFJs are more likely to look at people as systems.
  • But both can play both sides.
  • It’s about removing the individual’s personal feelings, so those feelings don’t create bias.
  • To get underneath what is happening
  • Fully clocked Ni is a simulation of Se which observes reality as it comes.
  • Instead of outside world sensory info (Se), Ni simulates that process internally.
  • Entire realities created within itself.
  • If some of our language around Ni sounds like Ti and Fi, remember that T/F are judging functions. N/S are learning functions.
  • Ti is looking for truth
  • Fi is looking for intent/desire
  • Ni doesn’t want anything. It follows its internal bliss and allows things to surface as it will.
  • It has the intent of insight, but it doesn’t want anything. It’s just observing.
  • Ni is captured by simulated reality.
  • Si has a past orientation. Impressions built over time. Experiential.
  • Ni doesn’t have to experience something. It takes what it understands about sensory stimuli and creates simulations of reality.
  • Why does the world need Ni?
  • Black Mirror (Netflix) looks at how technology advances to dystopian futures.
  • Ni developed to assist survival situations.
  • What does it look like if this happens?
  • Ni gives us the importance of consequences.
  • Ni can run the simulation and share it in a way that others can understand.
  • What will happen down the line if I knock this domino over here?
  • Ni taps into the depth of imagination.
  • Ni looks at the fundamental principles of the human mind.
  • How do minds operate? What are the patterns that the human mind tends to attach?
  • Fi: “Whatever is most personal is most universal.”
  • Ni: “The macro reflects the micro, and the micro reflects the macro.”
  • We have a lot of disagreements right now; Ni can help bridge the gap to create a simulated shared reality.
  • For Fi, it understands the power of narrative, and if it doesn’t dive deep into its intent and motivation, it can start to manipulate the power of narrative to get what it wants.
  • Getting to that dispassionate place is hard for NJs (especially NFJs).
  • NJs mind has given them a place to go to create psychological distance from people.
  • Ni can keep shifting perspectives until it finds one it likes.
  • “I’ll just find a perspective where I’m happy.”
  • What crosses supports you.
  • All of our strengths can be turned against ourselves.
  • Ni can get so lost in its simulations that it doesn’t bring its gifts to the world. It just stays in a place that isn’t good because it can make peace with it… for a time.
  • The world needs sophisticated Ni to keep the gift of being able to see multiple perspectives and run simulations of worlds that haven’t been created.
  • The world needs Ni.
  • We are entering a more complex world. We cannot know what is going to happen.
  • We aren’t going to make it as the human race unless we have a future perspective showing us where we are heading.
  • Ni in the backseat can still give you a future paced viewpoint.
  • ESTP: “Some people don’t know they’re alive unless they’re in pain.”
  • They understand that people come with certain mindsets.
  • Fi can hold space for the darkness of the heart.
  • Ti can hold space for people’s darker thoughts.
  • Ni can hold space for people’s mindsets that aren’t serving them.
  • Si can hold space for people with dark pasts.
  • Ni taps into how we talk to ourselves.
  • Ni users love NLP: How our minds construct reality.
  • ePrime
  • Inner dialogue is not the same as inner narrative.
  • Tap into the inner dialogue and the way you use words to describe your reality.

In this episode Joel and Antonia become advocates for the cognitive function of Introverted Intuition and talk about why we need it in our world. #INFJ #INTJ #ENFJ #ENTJ #MBTI

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  • Michael (A.A)
    • Michael (A.A)
    • December 8, 2019 at 7:10 pm

    Personally, futurist jobs seem to be a really Ni type of job, where someone has to focus on foreseeing what could happen through the future in society and how to prepare for it. This can be done by seeing trends in data (Te) or seeing possible moral issues, especially surrounding new technology (Fe). This article can tell you a lot. (

    Though when you look at people who gather the information around futurist ideas by interviewing Ni users and spread it around, it’s usually Ne users. Often there’s this Ni-Ne in futurist jobs where the Ni users think of the outcomes from gathering evidence on seeing teams of scientific evidence (Te) or seeing trends from doing massive interviews on the culture of a population (Fe), and then the Ne users spread the ideas to as many people as possible. Some Ne users do this by explaining the technology in the simplest way possible (Ti) (The blog WaitButWhy is a good example or by expressing their emotions on new causes such as the LGBT or neurodiversity through art (Fi) (The channel Button Poetry is full of this, or Ted-Ed’s channel series on poetry.)

  • Michael (A.A)
    • Michael (A.A)
    • December 8, 2019 at 9:19 am

    Hello, high Ti user here. I thought I’d explain Ti to you, though I use it with Ne, so it might be different for how people use it with Se.

    I think what is meant by rewiring “the code in your head” with Ti is the code of what is true or not. That is, it’s passing judgement on the accuracy of the situation. Remember, Ni is a perceiving function that often focuses on the long term outcome of the situation, while Ti on the other hand can be used with both Ne and Se. Ti is not perceiving anything, but exploring different perspectives, whether in exploring new ideas with Ne or new sensory information with Se, and then recognizing the validity of which source is worthy of logical trust.

    The difference between the use of Ti and Se with Ni and Te is obvious so I’ll focus with comparing your INTJness with Ti and Ne. Though before I give an example, what I’d like to emphasize is that both the INTP and INTJ enjoy solving logical problems, but with different approaches. In problem solving, there are two distinct stages. That is, defining the problem and thinking of organized solutions around the problem. Ti specializes in the first, and Te focuses on the second.

    Example :

    There is a business situation where sales seem to be lowering suddenly for some unknown reason.

    One INTJ in a meeting works with this by noticing the pattern of how the system of how people are working with Ni and works to figure out a solution with Te. The INTJ says, “I noticed the pattern that all of you have a habit of not taking account of sales progress in each stage of marketing, and just describe it with vague statements like, “It’s going great.” This is going to lead to disastrous consequences. Get your act together.”

    The INTP, who seems to be doodling stick figures of a dinosaur shooting out laser eyes at Godzilla, might not look like it, but is actually listening to all the ideas in the meeting. INTP uses Ti to judge that INTJ’s idea was right, and then adds even more possibilities to figure out the root cause of this. INTP says, “I think INTJ was right. ESTP salesman who said it was because we haven’t charmed the customers enough doesn’t make sense, and ENFJ manager who says we’re all just trying our best is not cutting it. I’m convinced it’s because people are hiding something because they don’t want to let down ENFJ. So anyone. . . have anything they want to share?”

    INTJ nods, then uses more Te to organize an action plan for everything. “ISTJ, you better record this thing for everyone to know. I say we need to not just make interviews of how front line employees are doing, but how middle and high management are doing.” INFP graphic design marketer is already drawing something to emphasize emotional the metaphorical failure we have in our sales for ISTJ to put into the announcement e-mail.

    INTP suggests more ideas to add with Ne, “We should try one of those ideas I heard, I mean, was it from Google or something? I forget. But basically, when they allowed one day a week for employees to allow freedom to explore any new risky projects, they want, sales rose. I could use a day like t— I mean, all of us could benefit from a day where everyone can use the entrepreneurial spirit to challenge the status quo.”

    INTJ needs more confirmation with Te, “Where did that data come from?” ISTJ looked it up on his phone and showed INTJ, “Oh, it came from this study.”

    ENFJ says, “I think all of your ideas have potential, but remember, we should all let ourselves take turns to say our feelings about this in this meeting.” ESTP groans. “ESTP. . . ,” ENFJ says. ESTP quiets down. “Also, INFP, we’d love to hear more from you! Okay, that’s enough time for our meeting now. Let’s continue this meeting this coming Friday. I’m proud of all of you!”

  • Jeff Klassen
    • Jeff Klassen
    • October 17, 2019 at 12:12 am

    I am an Infj. I think system thinking & running simulations go hand in hand. This is vocabulary to describe what is already happening for me.

    I am able to identify an emergent, and then identify particular nodes of importance. Starting with myself, and then moving out.

    Self-care could be an emergent. Throughout the day different nodes could come to light. Different mindsets of people could be identified. Ways of coping with and adjusting to people could be different nodes Out of this there could be new emergents, & so on.

  • Mila
    • Mila
    • August 8, 2019 at 2:28 pm

    As an ENFJ, thank you! It was quite interesting to listen that Ni users are not openly emphatic. As many INFJs and ENFJs are in the fields where that is paramount.

  • Michelle MIner
    • Michelle MIner
    • July 17, 2019 at 5:09 pm

    Hello there! I follow you on Instagram, Spotify, as well as your Facebook profile and I have to again reiterate that I am thrilled to have found such communicative human being who are very apt at labeling and explaining the cognitive functions. I am an INTJ and I have to say that my introverted intuition often leaves me feeling a little crazy. Something my husband said is very perfect for explaining it, just because you know what’s going on doesn’t mean that people like being told about themselves. Its a hard line to have long term pattern recognition because you often pick up on the subconscious happenings before the actual social happenings. I find that I can feel when someone isn’t telling me something simply by the shift in their word usage or tone or even the amount of communication being received. This often leads to me being paranoid or picking up on something that someone hasn’t had the ability, be it ego or processing time, to communicate yet. Sometimes they don’t want to communicate it at all, which makes things even more difficult, I find. I wish the different perspective factors of personality was a more widely known topic, it would help the empathy for a lot of SPs that I know who always seem to look at me like I’m crazy.

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