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In this episode, Joel and Antonia go on a journey of discovery where they showcase the need for positively expressed Introverted Feeling in today’s world.

In this podcast you’ll find:

  • The Wire (HBO)
  • Introverted Intuition (Ni) “Perspectives”
  • Ni is a perceiving process
  • Dominant function for INTJs & INFJs
  • Copilot function for ENTJs & ENFJs
  • Real understanding without the depth of intimacy that Fi feels.
  • Ni feels objective. Understanding for understanding sake without empathy.
  • Being able to understand someone is different from validating their feelings.
  • Compassion can be the result, but it’s not the mechanism Ni uses when understanding another person’s perspective.
  • Ni gives us the ability to study things dispassionately
  • NTJs are more likely to look at everything in concepts of systems.
  • NFJs are more likely to look at people as systems.
  • But both can play both sides.
  • It’s about removing the individual’s personal feelings, so those feelings don’t create bias.
  • To get underneath what is happening
  • Fully clocked Ni is a simulation of Se which observes reality as it comes.
  • Instead of outside world sensory info (Se), Ni simulates that process internally.
  • Entire realities created within itself.
  • If some of our language around Ni sounds like Ti and Fi, remember that T/F are judging functions. N/S are learning functions.
  • Ti is looking for truth
  • Fi is looking for intent/desire
  • Ni doesn’t want anything. It follows its internal bliss and allows things to surface as it will.
  • It has the intent of insight, but it doesn’t want anything. It’s just observing.
  • Ni is captured by simulated reality.
  • Si has a past orientation. Impressions built over time. Experiential.
  • Ni doesn’t have to experience something. It takes what it understands about sensory stimuli and creates simulations of reality.
  • Why does the world need Ni?
  • Black Mirror (Netflix) looks at how technology advances to dystopian futures.
  • Ni developed to assist survival situations.
  • What does it look like if this happens?
  • Ni gives us the importance of consequences.
  • Ni can run the simulation and share it in a way that others can understand.
  • What will happen down the line if I knock this domino over here?
  • Ni taps into the depth of imagination.
  • Ni looks at the fundamental principles of the human mind.
  • How do minds operate? What are the patterns that the human mind tends to attach?
  • Fi: “Whatever is most personal is most universal.”
  • Ni: “The macro reflects the micro, and the micro reflects the macro.”
  • We have a lot of disagreements right now; Ni can help bridge the gap to create a simulated shared reality.
  • For Fi, it understands the power of narrative, and if it doesn’t dive deep into its intent and motivation, it can start to manipulate the power of narrative to get what it wants.
  • Getting to that dispassionate place is hard for NJs (especially NFJs).
  • NJs mind has given them a place to go to create psychological distance from people.
  • Ni can keep shifting perspectives until it finds one it likes.
  • “I’ll just find a perspective where I’m happy.”
  • What crosses supports you.
  • All of our strengths can be turned against ourselves.
  • Ni can get so lost in its simulations that it doesn’t bring its gifts to the world. It just stays in a place that isn’t good because it can make peace with it… for a time.
  • The world needs sophisticated Ni to keep the gift of being able to see multiple perspectives and run simulations of worlds that haven’t been created.
  • The world needs Ni.
  • We are entering a more complex world. We cannot know what is going to happen.
  • We aren’t going to make it as the human race unless we have a future perspective showing us where we are heading.
  • Ni in the backseat can still give you a future paced viewpoint.
  • ESTP: “Some people don’t know they’re alive unless they’re in pain.”
  • They understand that people come with certain mindsets.
  • Fi can hold space for the darkness of the heart.
  • Ti can hold space for people’s darker thoughts.
  • Ni can hold space for people’s mindsets that aren’t serving them.
  • Si can hold space for people with dark pasts.
  • Ni taps into how we talk to ourselves.
  • Ni users love NLP: How our minds construct reality.
  • ePrime
  • Inner dialogue is not the same as inner narrative.
  • Tap into the inner dialogue and the way you use words to describe your reality.

In this episode Joel and Antonia become advocates for the cognitive function of Introverted Intuition and talk about why we need it in our world. #INFJ #INTJ #ENFJ #ENTJ #MBTI

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  • Cristina
    • Cristina
    • July 10, 2019 at 9:45 am

    As an intj, I just want to say you missed the fact that Ni makes me feel very scatter brained! But you really hit the nail when you said we have space for dark mind spaces.

  • Seely
    • Seely
    • July 9, 2019 at 7:31 am

    I agree with your first paragraph, Bethany. That is my view/experience as well.

  • Seely
    • Seely
    • July 9, 2019 at 7:15 am

    I can relate, Natasha, & I like the bit you say at the end about seeing a different future & making it happen— I’m going to try that now.

  • Seely
    • Seely
    • July 9, 2019 at 7:04 am

    Yes, as an INFJ I can find it hard to both have & hold onto one perspective especially around people close to me. I see the legitimacy of what they need & want too, so it can create quite the dilemma.

  • Lisa
    • Lisa
    • June 28, 2019 at 2:33 pm

    As an INTJ, I think a key weakness of being Ni dominant for me is that I can get really lost in other perspectives if I don’t have enough alone time. I’m am known for saying everyone’s actions are logical given their presuppositions. As part of understanding a perspective in a really deep and thorough way, I find that I sometimes “try it on” in real life. The metaphorical “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes” blurs into actual reality so I can really see through their eyes. This is where the inner world and outer world can blend and I can get lost. It’s kind of like going undercover too long and getting lost in your new identity. The going undercover part is exhilarating and full of juicy insights, but there is no one I report back to and no one who knows I’ve gone undercover, and since I have done it so subconsciously, it is easy to lose myself for a time. Sometimes I need someone (or myself) to pull you out. I think this is where Fi can really help the INTJ, because we really need to tap into that to help us remember what our own perspective is and negative emotions are the cue. I think we can sometimes struggle to make a judgment about what our perspective should be when relying too heavily on Ni. Paired with Te, what is effective can also be to mirror or complement the personality of whoever you are with because this makes the interactions easier. This can even be quite sustainable (not with spouses and families), but it will ultimately make the INTJ unhappy and unfulfilled in relationships because they are not getting the chance to be themselves and valued for who they are. It is very easy for the INTJ to ignore their own feelings as they dispassionately examine and choose perspectives. I am not sure how this works out for the INFJ.

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