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In this episode, Joel and Antonia talk about how different personality types can create and sustain motivation while they build skills.

In this podcast you’ll find:

  • The 80s movie “skill-building montage” phenomenon – and how this contrasts with the societal messaging young people receive around building skills today.
    • The disappointment that can come with today’s mindset
    • What’s missing in today’s messaging?
    • The kick-back message from the younger generation
  • Skill development – how is this different from hard work and effort?
    • The idea of skill development to create value
    • Why do people avoid skill development work?
  • Previous podcasts that discuss skill development through models and frameworks:
  • The phases of skill development people go through according to the Competence Model:
    • Unconscious incompetence
    • Conscious incompetence
    • Conscious competence
    • Unconscious competence
  • How can you get through the tough parts of skill development?
    • The importance of tools and motivation
  • What do the 16 personality types need to generate motivation for skill development based on their primary judging function?
  • Accuracy (Ti) – xxTPs:
    • Thoughts on creating clarity
  • Harmony (Fe) – xxFJs:
    • What does healthy support look like?
  • Effectiveness (Te) – xxTJs:
    • The power of having a plan
  • Authenticity (Fi) – xxFPs:
    • Inspiration to create motivation
  • Feedback – why is it an important part of skill development?
    • What does it look like when we reject feedback?
    • The journey to empowerment and positive self esteem

In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about how different personality types can create and sustain motivation while they build skill.

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  • David
    • David
    • April 17, 2020 at 11:12 am

    What happens if one does a certain skill and gets to the unconscious competence level but doesn’t work on it for a while?

  • Eugene Boeche
    • Eugene Boeche
    • April 17, 2020 at 12:27 am

    I think those individuals who hold to the Spider-Man philosophy are kidding themselves. Even Spider-Man had to work hard to build his skills. He got bit by the radioactive spider, yes, but that is not the end of his story. He didn’t just bit by the spider and then spend all his time sitting on his butt on the couch and stuffing his face with pizza rolls while watching Netflix all day. He had to work to build his craft of saving his city. He built his web-slingers. He worked on his fighting techniques. He got accustomed to heights and even began to love them. He became the ultimate acrobat, as well as becoming an excellent physical specimen. This idea of, "I got bit by a spider, and now I’m amazing is crap. Anything and everything that is worth doing takes WORK. End of story.

  • Antonia Dodge
    • Antonia Dodge
    • April 16, 2020 at 2:16 pm

    Yeah, Izzy’s comment was a good one.


  • Izzy
    • Izzy
    • April 14, 2020 at 8:00 pm

    Hello :-)

    I loved your thoughts around Fe users finding it challenging to do something for themselves, I most definately am motivated by and for others. I do also relate to needing/wanting inspiration though, but maybe for different reasons than an Fi user. The more I allow myself to care and feel for someone or a group of people, the more inspired I am to keep challenging myself. If I am surrounded by people that do not feel the urge to push the limits of what the mind/body/soul in capable of, life starts to become colourless and flat.

    A couple of years ago I got that bored of the sameness of the minds around me, I thought I would start to explore animal minds:-)
    I found a book called “Other Minds”. It had a section in it on the Mimic Octopus….. they are so weird!!
    Their brain is located throughout their whole body, the only solid part of them is their beak, so they can squeeze themselves through impossibly small spaces so long as their beak can fit (and they’re pretty smart).

    I use the mimic octopus as a metaphor for the way I explore minds and the world (especially when trying something new). My core self is the beak, and the rest of my personality remains more fluid and adaptable (like the octopuses body) to trying on new ways of being/feeling/thinking, while I decide if I like them or not. If I have tried on a new way of being and I made an utter idiot of myself or my feelings got hurt, I keep a couple of tentacles attached to a cherished feeling/memory or person while the rest of the tentacles go in and explore and process the meaning behind the feelings before I let them go. Using this method helps me to not get lost in a negative or uncomfortable experience.
    Animal minds are awesome too!

    Anyway, I hope quarantine isn’t treating you all too harshly.
    Best Wishes

  • Raven
    • Raven
    • April 16, 2020 at 3:48 am

    What an insightful comment! I appreciate your thoughts.

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