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In this episode of the Personality Hacker podcast, Joel and Antonia discuss the life stages personality types go through and how people develop differently based on their age.


In this podcast you’ll find:

  • Antonia and Joel describe their experience of having reached midlife.
    • What are some of the challenges and advantages of aging?
    • How have our views on the elderly and aging changed?
  • How can the levels of development influence personality types?
  • What are the 5 stages of development according to Erikson’s model?
    • What 4 aspects play a central role in a young child’s development?
    • How does context and family interactions influence type?
    • Which big questions are often asked during adolescence?
    • How influential is gender on a person’s development?
    • What are some of the important considerations that people make during adulthood?
  • Does career choice influence how types show up?
  • How have changes in societal norms influenced humans’ development?
  • Comparison of Erik Erikson’s model to Timothy Leary’s 8-Circuit Model of Consciousness
  • What happens when you’ve “made it over the hill”?
    • How does Erikson’s model shed light on midlife?
    • What opportunities can you leverage?
  • How can Jung’s concept of the ‘shadow’ open up a whole new cognitive capacity?
    • Find out more about Jung’s concept of the ‘shadow’ and ‘ego’ in our podcast: Using Archetypes For Personal Growth
    • Why can this phase of life be considered a second birth?
    • What is the fork in the road that we face during midlife?
    • Can we regress in our self-awareness?
    • How can you tell whether you’ve done shadow work or not?
    • How can idealism be leveraged?
    • What is meant by one-sidedness and individuation?
  • What are some central aspects of late adulthood?
    • What plays a key role in your type capacity?
    • How does one-sidedness show up?
  • What is some advice for each stage of development?
  • What is one thing that personal growth can’t help you access?
  • How does type get woven into all of this?
    • What things influence how we as individuals show up as an unique expression of our type?

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  • Aurel
    • Aurel
    • February 25, 2023 at 12:24 am

    Hi, I’m a 33 y-o INTP, queer lesbian & non-binary. I’ve been listening to your podcasts for a while now. About the gender influence in teenage years, I would have to agree that the pressure and opportunities to engage with the outside world were VERY gendered in my experience. Which is why I had to wait adulthood to find out other paths for myself. But I feel I need to add that gender norms and gender expectations are VERY socially determined, and that the hormones/biological explanation is not sufficient. I believe biological explanations should never be used without social ones, at the risk of excluding, misrepresentating, justifying lgbtqphobia or other misconceptions about gender “abnormalities”. Thanks for the wonderful work by the way. Couldn’t have done it this far without your tools ?

  • Ryan INFP
    • Ryan INFP
    • January 15, 2023 at 12:31 pm

    I have been thinking about how the cognitive functions are formed ever since the episode on self-awareness.
    I have come to the conclusion they are all survival mechanisms.
    FI Repressed emotion.
    SI No surprises. I cannot think how to put that better.
    NI Tell nobody nothing.
    TI Rationalise everything.
    The extroversion is the opposite. My question is why it happens and how young? I think the functions are so apparent because they are just are brains way of surviving in the environment and i think they are formed by the time our brain is fully formed. Obviously as we get older we wont see it like this they grow with us the self.
    I also think I have a way of typing people faster. I also thought you could not grow your shadow introversion obviously you can.

  • Alida
    • Alida
    • January 13, 2023 at 3:00 am

    I don’t even know where to start. I really loved this episode! I’m 32 years old and a female ENTP. As I was listening, I realized that my jokes about feeling older than dirt might have some substance.

    For context, when I was around 22 I experienced trauma that caused some major PTSD and clinical depression which also messed with my actual immune system. Other than the first 4 months were I needed the mental stabilization, I decided to heal my mind by myself without any antidepressants because they weren’t addressing the root of the problem. I was sick for about 5 years, but it took longer for me to interact again with the outside in a relatively normal way, though I’ve never gone back to the way it used to be.

    I’ve done a lot of research in the few months I’ve been aware of cognitives functions, I’m still relatively new. So I don’t know if any of the work I did as I was healing would be comparable to what shadow work is like, but I got that impression from what I’ve heard. I wouldn’t wanna to go back to that time but I’m a firm believer in silver linings and that was a major one in my life. I could complain about loosing out on my 20s but I don’t feel the loss, I can only see the gain of peace of mind in knowing oneself that deeply, the good & the bad.

    Maybe I’m delusional ?, but I do get the feeling that people my age and even some that are older are struggling with things, emotionally speaking that I’ve already encountered. It could be individual differences, or just a lot of trauma exploration experience packed in short amount of time, who knows? Also all those midlife body aches, I started feeling them in my early 20s, then they went away for a bit. Along with very much being aware of my mortality, I at least now know some of what’s waiting for me down the line and it removes the fear factor.

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